Question about bud growth

I have been growing a few plants at another house and they're about 4 1/2 weeks into moving them to my house today so i can look after them better ( raise lights, water, etc.). My question is since the buds are already growing, if i look after them better can i make the harvest alot better? or is it to late since they're already 4 1/2 budding?


Well-Known Member
IMO right when you enter week 4 is gonna be the stress cut off date. The first 3 weeks the majority of the time, the plants are still building enough hormones an shit to push out the buds. Right around week 4 the buds should start o show, then it needs a grip of attention. But I think it'll help.


New Member
I wouldn't move them if you can get by where they are. I have only moved plants once during flower like that and lost a very special strain to hermi. I had matched conditions before hand and they still stressed too much.
to late they just arrived....i moved them when there lights were scheduled to come on but it took about an hour, so they had and extra hour of dark today....anyone have a answer for when the buds usually stop growing?


Well-Known Member
There's no way to know without pics or more info. Most plants will stop growing vertically around 4 weeks in and start packing on weight, but some sativa strains can continue to grow vertically throughout the entire life cycle.