Question about autoflower.


Active Member
18+ hours at all stages with an autoflower, don't need to change lighting in order to trigger flowering (in most cases).


Active Member
Same as any normal plant, nitrogen rich the whole way through, maybe a little phosphorous boost when flowering is flourishing etc. Gently though, a mild feed is always better than a strong one.


Active Member
It would, but gently, it won't miraculously make the buds bigger (thats more genetic) but the plant will appreciate a phosphorous boost during flowering. Again, gently, heaps of people kill their plants with kindness thinking more is better.
ok thanks a lot man, one more question bro, which would I use in veg and which one in flower? I would rep you if i could/knew how to.. lol


Active Member
No problem, I'll quote the description of the product, which contains those details:

"Start with Blossom Booster 10-30-20 as you water in your plants to develop a vigorous, prolific root system. After a week, feed your plants with All Purpose 20-20-20 to increase their size and keep the leaves green and bright. Continue to alternate feedings every two weeks to keep your plants blooming and showing intense, beautiful colors."


Blossom Booster for veg, All Purpose for flower.

Recommend half dose or less at first, then build up as necessary to avoid nute burn/problems.


Active Member
I grow simple. I use MG "Expand N Gro" mixed with about 30% vermiculite. That is perfect from veg through to end of flower, easily. Now and again I give them my nutrient tea* as a treat. Rest of the time, just plain old water.

* - 2 litre bottle, filled 1/6th full of dry expand n gro, drop in a basic mineral multivitamin, fill the bottle with warm-almost hot water. Put the lid on, shake that puppy, do the hula, pump that daddy, whatever, then let it sit/cool overnight. Applied to plants in place of just water from time to time. In flowering, I'll sometimes put a diluted dose of blossom blaster (phosphorous) in the tea as well, thats how I apply the higher phosphorous. All GENTLY, avoiding any extremes of anything.

I've had no significant nute problems, and certainly haven't used any 'designer' nutes. A note on the vitamin pill, the most basic the better, an all rounder high in minerals is good. In its dissolved state it is available to the plants/soil. The less colourings/unnecessary crap the better (thus cheaper tends to be better than expensive). This is just to ensure certain grounds are covered - gently. Better to have access to all, than an overabundance of any.

So many people get into the habit of giving the plants this, that and everything in between. They're like super overprotective parents, thinking their kid isn't getting enough and force feeding them everything, in turn the kid gets sick, but the intentions were well etc. Good intentions pave the road to hell here.