Question About Attitude and Heights Listed


Active Member
I guess I'm a little confused about the way Attitude Seed Bank lists it's strains. It important to know the height a plant will reach especially in an indoor grow. However, Attitude's heights are listed short, medium, tall.

Anyone have a decoder ring for this?

Also, isn't this somewhat relative? If I let something veg for 2 months as opposed to 3 weeks it's obviously going to be a tall plant. Well tall in comparison to the 3 week plant.

Brick Top

New Member
I guess I'm a little confused about the way Attitude Seed Bank lists it's strains. It important to know the height a plant will reach especially in an indoor grow. However, Attitude's heights are listed short, medium, tall.

Anyone have a decoder ring for this?

Also, isn't this somewhat relative? If I let something veg for 2 months as opposed to 3 weeks it's obviously going to be a tall plant. Well tall in comparison to the 3 week plant.

Actually seedbanks, Attitude included, use breeder supplied descriptions. That is why if you look through enough you will find some in general terms and others in more defined terms.

But you are right in that things are relative but I think they are at least somewhat used to cover up some degree of instability in some strains or lines. If you did not expect any more uniformity than you got then you never missed any, did you? But if you give some actually measurable range that opens the doors to those who will be unhappy if for any reason at all in their case the given numeric descriptive range was not adhered to. It might just make things a whole lot simpler for a breeder to just say short, medium etc.
But then in defense of the breeders, given the vast differences in conditions these plants will be grown under trying to be precise on some sort of average level would be pretty difficult to assure. They could likely be pretty darn precise if growing their genetics under their conditions but guessing what you or I might do with it, well that’s a different matter so to not make one look bad possibly due to operator error saying medium, medium-tall is the safe bet to place.
The thing about height limitations, if you have one, is that many times when someone is facing some height limitations, or for that fact even when not facing height limitations, they often times fail to first calculate their actual usable height. They may know they have a limitation but not realize how limited they actually are.
People have to take their overall height and then subtract from that the height of the pots they will grow in or the highest point of whatever growing medium system they use, then they have to subtract the minimum amount of distance from the ceiling to the bottom of their lighting when it is raised as high as it can go and then subtract the minimum amount of distance they have to maintain from the bottom of their lighting to the top of their plants.
That is how much actual height they have to work with.
The next question is does the person have adequate lighting to use the entire amount of usable space? If so then that is one less limitation or one less problem to solve. If not then there is either one less limitation or one less problem to solve.
It is senseless to outgrow your light capabilities. If someone veg’s their plants so long that they end up with more than a tiny lower portion of their plants that have little to no production then they vegged for to long.

If someone has enough light to grow a 3ft. tall plant and the person vegges until they will end up with a 4ft or maybe 5ft plant they wasted time and money and effort and added to the risks they took all for little or nothing because the bottom third or quarter of the plant will produce very little to nothing at all. They may have already lost bottom branches besides leaves do to lack of light so you know no bud will be growing down there.
Of course it is impossible to accurately predict ever plant’s finishing height but after a while if you normally grow similar types of herb you will be able to judge close enough and know when your plants reach this height it is time to go to flower or to begin to use whatever training method they may wish to use. But for every day you wait after that right time that is one more day added to the overall length of time from popped beans to first toke of cured bud.

Sure saying added day or days does not sound like much but some people will veg for two week or three weeks and I have heard of even more longer than they should have given their setup and or limitations.
The belief of vegging longer = larger plants = larger yields is only true if all the jigsaw puzzle pieces are in place to let that happen.

People need to know what possible limitations they have and accept them and then grow accordingly to them instead of trying to do it like they would if they had that setup they would like to upgrade to or like they thought theirs would accomplish and even after they learned it would not do all they hoped for they keep trying to get it out of it and doing the same things again and again.
If someone vegges long enough to outgrow their lighting for every day or week or more that they over-vegged that same number of days would have better been spent harvesting, drying and curing their crop while popping some fresh beans and giving them the veg time the previous crop did not need and would not have given anything in return for.