Question about Amphetamines Shelf Life.


Hello. My first post on this forum and i would like to know if somebody could answer me and before anybody mentions that i should google it, i did and didn´t find an answer because my question is kind of weird. So, i live in a eastern Europe country in a big house, which was built before World War I and was used by German military troops to stock their supplies near the russian border, in a manner that would go unnoticed . Over the years living here i have found loads of weird stuff like ammunition, gunpowder and melee weapons from world war I. My latest find is nazi soldiers amphetamines from World War II. How long is the shelf life for amphetamines, are they still usable after all those years if properly stored?
As a sidenote, my grandmother told stories about how nice German soldiers were to common people, communicated in a civilised non hostile manner, complete opposite of the russian soldiers who were like bloodthirsty animals.


Active Member
that is a very interesting story i would love to hear more about, but as far as the amphetamines go i would leave that box alone.

what are the possible out comes?

1) you get a little high
2) nothing....
3) they fuck you in a bad way

is it worth the risk?

PS: i'm not that surprised by your side note. The only thing that would ever lead me think Germans were overly mean, aggressive, or disrespectful would be the American media and pop culture (and after all they were the last great enemy other than maybe Russia, but the cold war ended nicely, and they still are pretty villainized here also). Once you get past the sound of the language Germans are very agreeable people for the most part. Russians...... well I don't know any that I like.... at all..... and i'll leave it at that.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Indeed that is a cool story but I really don't have an answer for you. It would be awesome if you could keep it because it's an artifact and a piece of history, but we both know that isn't going to fly so your gonna have to get rid of it. I know how I would do that ;) but that's on you.


Well-Known Member
It depends on the storage conditions, if it was stored in a cool dry place protected from the atmosphere it can last a long fucking time. You could send one to a lab for testing to be really sure.