Question about adjusting water ph using miracle grow - following Buds for Less book


Active Member
Hi everyone. Just a quick question about a grow I'm doing that follows seemorebuds Bud For Less book. I'm using the miracle grow, which has the 5 point something ph, and i see that he adjusted it to be about 7.4 for initial growing and then dropped it down...

well, I'm sorta confused. i went to a pet store and bought some water ph test kit that has the vial and the solution you squirt into the vial that has the water you are trying to adjust.

im using distilled white vinegar and baking soda as my ph regulators and regular tap water (would like to use distilled water but tap is cheaper)

do i need to set the water to 7.4 or to like 2 something to make the total (water AND ph together) roughly 7? only problem with that is that the test kit only works between 6.0 and 7.9 so to try and set the ph of the water to something like...2 or whatever is out of the question because that is out of the range of testing for the ph test kit. i tried looking for strips but couldn't find any.

is it still possible to use this kit? do i need to set the water itself to 7 or the water to 2 because the miracle grow is already around ph 5?

help please, and thanks.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. Just a quick question about a grow I'm doing that follows seemorebuds Bud For Less book. I'm using the miracle grow, which has the 5 point something ph, and i see that he adjusted it to be about 7.4 for initial growing and then dropped it down...

well, I'm sorta confused. i went to a pet store and bought some water ph test kit that has the vial and the solution you squirt into the vial that has the water you are trying to adjust.

im using distilled white vinegar and baking soda as my ph regulators and regular tap water (would like to use distilled water but tap is cheaper)

do i need to set the water to 7.4 or to like 2 something to make the total (water AND ph together) roughly 7? only problem with that is that the test kit only works between 6.0 and 7.9 so to try and set the ph of the water to something like...2 or whatever is out of the question because that is out of the range of testing for the ph test kit. i tried looking for strips but couldn't find any.

is it still possible to use this kit? do i need to set the water itself to 7 or the water to 2 because the miracle grow is already around ph 5?

help please, and thanks.
Take this with a grain of salt.

I use MG soil (well migrating from, but has done me GREAT)
Put the plant/plot where you can collect the water run off after watering. That is the water you want to pH. But also what you are putting into the soil.

So, my advice is to use a nice easy 7.0 water to water the plant. Then messure the water coming out of the bottom of the pot. Once this is the same/stable, then adjust the water going in to keep the the same pH.

Best option is to do this *before* planting. Stabilize the soil, then put that delicate in it. (I have yet to do this <grin> but still good to get everything stable)
Think of them like tropical fish. Want the water they are in and the water they are going in to be the same in every way.

You will hear that 'Its just a weed' then others that worry about every little detail.
Over attention is a MAJOR downfall! For sprouts, just let them go only plant a few.



Well-Known Member
SeeMoreBuds book page iv

Note: Becasue Miracle Grow soil was used....He explains when he stared with a ph of 7.4. Check it out. VV