Question about adding nutes


Just added nutes (Canna terra vega) to some distilled water I bought from walmart and I foumd this to drop my ph from 7.3 to 4.0 or so. Directions say to add 19ml to 1 gal of water but I only added 5ml just to start my 3 week olf plants. I tried dumping some water out and adding fresh water...but thia didn't do much. What should I do..... I have some 7.0 ph buffer that came with my ph meter....would that help


Well-Known Member
Add some baking soda, to adjust your PH. That'll work, til ya get your hands on some stuff designed for growing. Add a little at a time, until the PH comes up to where you want it to be.(around 6.5, for soil grows) Buy some real PH Up when you get a chance, because baking soda will leave salts that build up quickly, in your medium.


Well-Known Member
As with anything to raise or low ph do it slow add a bit then test ph so you can find out exactly what will work to adjust ph get natural up or down which ever you need but use sparingly good luck


Well-Known Member
If you use tap water instead of distilled water, it may act as a buffer against the pH drop and you may not get such a dramatic drop. I use tap water all the time and my plants never seem to mind. The easiest way to adjust the pH of your water is to go to the gardening store and and buy some pH Up and pH Down. Just add the pH Up to raise the pH, and add the pH Down to lower it. It's a good idea to invest in some since you need to adjust the pH of your water every time you water your plants.

You don't want to use the buffer solution that comes with your pH tester. It is completely neutral if it has a 7.0 pH and won't affect the pH as much as you need. You need something strongly alkaline to get your pH back to an acceptable level.