Question about a certain strain...


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna be doing my first grow soon and I've narrowed the strain I'll be using to three choices:

1. Random-ass seeds I've found in prior stashes I bought
2. Big Bud
3. Skunk #1

The reason the random-ass seeds are a choice is because I might not wanna spend $50-$70 on 10 seeds that I might completely fuck up.

If I use Big Bud, will I really have to add support to my plants so they don't snap under their weight, or is that just the seedbank exaggerating?

Also, is Skunk #1 a difficult strain to grow? I'm looking for one that won't be really difficult since this will be my first grow.

I'm open to any suggestions you guys have. I'm not married to these two strains.


Well-Known Member
try the bag seeds first if all gos well with that being ur first grow the u can goahead with ordering some goood seeds


Well-Known Member
the biggest problem i've had using bag seeds was the high ratio of males to females (which was probably just bad luck). So my advice is to start out with bag seed to learn but a) plant enough to be able to lose 3/4 of them because they are male and b) don't expect much and you may end up pleasantly surprised. And some bonus advice, spend your money on lights!