Question 4 Breeders


Well-Known Member
im looking to start playing around with crossing etc. I'm reading a lot, and learning lots too.
The term pollen chucker gets tossed around a lot.
What's the difference between a PC and a real breeder?

Lots of breeders get called PCs & lots of breeders call themselves PCs
Where's the line?
Just a term really, I don't don't care whether I'm called a chucker or breeder, as long as I get some free seeds I'm good.

If I were to define Chucker vs. Breeder it would be that anyone can chuck pollen and make some F1's with random crosses. Working them beyond F1's and selectively crossing strains with an end goal in mind would be breeding.

Personally I won't consider myself a breeder until I have successfully created a couple of lines that breed true 60%+ of the time. In other words out of a 10 pack, I'd expect to see 6 phenos that look alike and produce almost identical product, until then I'm a chucker ;)
There is literally no difference in the term other than the expectations the consumers have for the beans. Breeders don't do shit but Chuck pollen and make good selections and generally have the space to run a lot to broaden the selection pool.

It amounts to alot of Bullshit hand wringing to me. And yes I am oversimplifying it but it's a silly conversation from my POV.
I think the term Pollen Chucker became popular a few years ago when the seed market was flooded with so-called breeders who were simply pollinating(chucking pollen) on a crop and then selling the seeds as a premium product.
A breeder, controls the pollination process and makes sure there is no contamination. A breeder then tests the results, makes improvements, repeats the whole process, tries again and again until the results are proper. Keeps records etc...... you get it. It's work, do the work.
I think the term Pollen Chucker became popular a few years ago when the seed market was flooded with so-called breeders who were simply pollinating(chucking pollen) on a crop and then selling the seeds as a premium product.
A breeder, controls the pollination process and makes sure there is no contamination. A breeder then tests the results, makes improvements, repeats the whole process, tries again and again until the results are proper. Keeps records etc...... you get it. It's work, do the work.
You hope on the second part, but the 1st part may be even more flooded now, I think it is and still growing. Nothing wrong with that. I will take all those F1's from them still....

Being a breeder @op has other meanings too....

saving a landrace
selecting for environment
managing heterosis
etc etc
its not quite about "just" making seed
but it kinda is too....:peace: