Querkle Sittin' Back And Veggin'.


Well-Known Member
Q2 is a male. It was the biggest and fastest growing one and may have another in there....Just as long as the small pheno is a female I will be happy or a good sativa. Here's pics of the Q2 male.
My camera was giving me issues not the best.



Well-Known Member
No males today and little pistols are shooting out on random spots so that's good 4/5 female so far. Was thinking about keeping pollen but then what the hell for I can get seeds no problem. And they aren't expensive.


Active Member
A buddy of mine early flowered a few cuts I gave him and is saying its the best stuff hes seen all year by far.

Great news.


Well-Known Member
Not sure yet thinking a male querkle pollinated some of my existing flowering plants. But not for sure yet hope there isn't a hermie in there. Buds are developing very very slow.


Well-Known Member
I've grown Querkle several times......love this strain! currently running the Urkle dominant pheno....theres also a taller, sq dom pheno that leans very sativa in both leaf shape and high..........love this strain! any ?s, feel free mang! happy growing!


Well-Known Member
I've grown Querkle several times......love this strain! currently running the Urkle dominant pheno....theres also a taller, sq dom pheno that leans very sativa in both leaf shape and high..........love this strain! any ?s, feel free mang! happy growing!
Thanks for stopping by. Everything is going good now no hermies in garden.

Ya lets talk about these pheno's I will put up some pics soon of each one. I have 3 sativa looking ones and a super short indica looking the leaves on this plant never get bigger than the palm of your hand.


Well-Known Member
I have a few diff. phenos here.
I have a short Indica looking one with tiny leaves.
And then 3 diff. Sativa looking phenos
One has small leaves but is big and is the one under the scrog screen.
Other one between short indica and scrog is the long leaved sativa looking one.
And the one I thought was a hermie is outdoor but she is not a hermie so I'm gonna keep her there and watch the sun do the work. Hopefully pollen is down.....been raining a lot but she has cover fingers crossed for seedless bud.
Anybody that's grown Querkle out hit me up on my thread and let me know if you've seen these phenos around or know about them.
Oh and also I have the clones of all these except for the 1 out of a 5 pack male so kudos for TGA. And will throw up pics of those because this is the Querkle sittin back in veg. thread.



Well-Known Member
Alright! Just buried my nose in the outdoor querkle and the querkle in the middle thats indoor and wow they smell so purple. Hope they keep it up all the way through.
Some of the healthiest plants Ive grown....hmmm Am I getting better...no just more simple.


Well-Known Member
Very nice!
My querkles are heavy eaters Im organic but they are already full strength and gonna be going past the humboldt nute measurements easily Im sure.
The flowering querkle's were vegged for lil over a month all were topped...Ya there getting big.....there stretch slowed down now and smaller branches are starting there top.

Bushy lil sluts, how long they been in that cup
Well since I saw roots pop out bottom of cup its been bout 20 days. Just been using well water and seabird shit and a dab of superthrive with water. Oh and all topped also.


Active Member
Apparently I got the sq dom because they have easily doubled in height in the first two weeks of flower. Ive been rasing the lights almost every day.
Any info on the pheno? What should I expect from it?


Well-Known Member
Well I know the 3 sativa leaning are heavy feeders for my humboldt organic lineup. 2 smell purple.
I just cut more clones 2 of each. both purple ones and a pair from the tiny indica.
Getting ready to keep it going. Gonna be revamping Flower room so more plants can fit.


Active Member
Cool so the sq dom still goes purple?
I thought I had read it was only the short pheno that was doing it.
Sounds like good news, I need more purple in my life.

Not seeing any purp right now but getting temps under 80 in the day is tough this time of year.


Well-Known Member
You must of missed my post that 2 were "smelling purple". No purple color yet....about a month in flower so no colors expected yet.
And temps are about 75- 76.5 at night so will see if they have the urkel in them. Cause temps don't matter with that.

I wish I took some pics of some Purple Urkel I bought about 3 months ago it was the most purple shit all the way through. But the smoke was not purple/grape tasting and high was 2 heady but I know it came from Cali........Prob some left over grow that clubs couldn't get rid of who knows.

But anyway I was about to get rid of a clone tonight to a bro but things didn't work out but I'm thinking I'm eliminating this clone for the wrong reasons.

First is that she little to big for my liking, and prob should be scrogged under height restrict. like me.(im scrogging this plant now)
Second she wants full full nutes esp from my humboldt organic line.....I'm giving 15-20ml veg, 10-15ml bloom, 5-7ml DeuceDeuce. Oh and myco madness every other with humboldt honey es 2tsp. And for just plain watering I give 5ml of Equilibrium and 1/4tsp of Superthrive. Just for this plant.
But here are the pro's
She's gonna yield bigger
And tonight I noticed she is the frostiest one I have so far And in my exp if there frosy right off the bat then that's good.
So note to self.........Wait and run clones through all the way to know whats up!...So I will be pulling clones of this lady also.


Well-Known Member
You must of missed my post that 2 were "smelling purple". No purple color yet....about a month in flower so no colors expected yet.
And temps are about 75- 76.5 at night so will see if they have the urkel in them. Cause temps don't matter with that.

I wish I took some pics of some Purple Urkel I bought about 3 months ago it was the most purple shit all the way through. But the smoke was not purple/grape tasting and high was 2 heady but I know it came from Cali........Prob some left over grow that clubs couldn't get rid of who knows.

But anyway I was about to get rid of a clone tonight to a bro but things didn't work out but I'm thinking I'm eliminating this clone for the wrong reasons.

First is that she little to big for my liking, and prob should be scrogged under height restrict. like me.(im scrogging this plant now)
Second she wants full full nutes esp from my humboldt organic line.....I'm giving 15-20ml veg, 10-15ml bloom, 5-7ml DeuceDeuce. Oh and myco madness every other with humboldt honey es 2tsp. And for just plain watering I give 5ml of Equilibrium and 1/4tsp of Superthrive. Just for this plant.
But here are the pro's
She's gonna yield bigger
And tonight I noticed she is the frostiest one I have so far And in my exp if there frosy right off the bat then that's good.
So note to self.........Wait and run clones through all the way to know whats up!...So I will be pulling clones of this lady also.
I can't tell you how many times I prejudged a seedling and trashed the clone, only to find out that even though that pheno didn't fit what I was looking for or whatever, it turned out to be a very dank keeper. It's a hard pill to swallow trust me haha.