Notice the height of the plants, beside them are 2 stacked gallon jugs. They are in 1 gallon pots, So height of 2 jugs = 20 inches -9 inch pot = 11 inch plant. So let`s say a foot long plant that will yield an ounce and the critical mass plant will yield 2 ounces . I am amazed on how rock hard these querkle bud`s are and the smell is ever so sweet , with a hint of mustyness.
Also plants were flipped at roughly 8 inches but i pinched them early and LSTed the fuck out of them. Even the JC2 plant i had has very little stretch . I used a product from AN called BUD BLOOD in the first 2 weeks and it literally keeps them from strecthing and forces them to start stacking early and they sure did . All these plants are literally multitudes of branches with cola`s from top to bottom . The Space Bomb that is in this run also as little stretch with bud`s from top to bottom. I got some BUD CANDY off of EBAY and the guy sent me all kinds of nice sample pack`s from the AN lineup and so far I am impressed. The one`s i am trying with this run are Bud Blood , Carbo-load,Big Bud and bud candy. I do find these products quite acidic and it takes alot of PH up to use for soil , but these products would probably really excel in hydro or coco IMO.
All were used once or twice at half strength and at the the proper time . So yes i used some super soil and some nutes . They were free why not!