Queer looking babies


Well-Known Member
My two babies are having problems. Baby 1 is fine apart from slight yellowing on the end of one leaves, which I'm sure is from heat problems.

Baby 2, is doing not so great. Her new leaves are about 1.5 cm long and 2 mm wide. She also has a few yellow spots on one of her new leaves.

Pictures - you cant see much, but you should get an idea of whats up.

Help :cry:



Well-Known Member
they look like they are getting cooked...if your using foil get rid of it or the light might be too close...im not sure but they look burnt to me..


Well-Known Member
No foil, lights are pretty close, but I'm planning to work on that today. Hopefully i will get some more passive intakes drilled in, and make the exhaust opening larger.