queen nancy pelosi .

That shit today was nothing short a crazy radicalism ... even when a reporter asked a guy a question his eyes were bugging out and he was almost foaming at the mouth.. fucking rabid dog.. and his baby was in his arms.. I guess thats how the clan indoctrinated their young too..
OK... Obama a fascist.. good.. back up the 10 ton..open flap...and open fire... you call it.. you get it.. nothing a 50 cal. wouldn't fix....
33 million for american samoa?
you can't even improve a major interstate for that paltry sum.
an f-22 costs almost $160 million.
and don't talk about politicians doing favors without mentioning
Dick Cheney and Halliburton/KBR.
who are fond of electrocuting our troops in the shower.
amongst other things.
i can't say i blame pelosi for taking millitary transport, given the ammount of inflamed dicks who she would have to deal with
on comercial lines.
I went to a protest rally today ... along with about 500 other people that showed up. The only political poster I saw had a picture of Obama and a picture of Ahhhnold, the governor of California. All other posters were about taxation, government over spending, abolishing the FED ... but nothing about Republicans or Democrats. Unlike leftists when they protest ... or a better term, riot ... everyone was well behaved and friendly.

wow..still no one on the left gets it..pelosi . whos husband owns american samoa .OWNs
pelosi has helped her husbands company with funds to american samoa and enslaves the peoples of american samoa through special legislation that her husbands company proffits from.
none of you have a problem with her flying a jet back and forth from DC to california twice a week at the cost to the tax payers of around 600k dollars a week? can you say double standard?
can you say hypocrite?
can you say complete and total ass hole ?
can you say elitism and snobbery of the highest order?
the commies had a word for you liberals like we have in the USA..they called you usefull idiots.
OK, Pelosi is a monster. Now what?

wow..still no one on the left gets it..pelosi . whos husband owns american samoa .OWNs
pelosi has helped her husbands company with funds to american samoa and enslaves the peoples of american samoa through special legislation that her husbands company proffits from.
none of you have a problem with her flying a jet back and forth from DC to california twice a week at the cost to the tax payers of around 600k dollars a week? can you say double standard?
can you say hypocrite?
can you say complete and total ass hole ?
can you say elitism and snobbery of the highest order?
the commies had a word for you liberals like we have in the USA..they called you usefull idiots.
Nancy Pelosi = giant douche
Newt Gingrich = shit sandwich

Barrack Obama = giant douche
John McCain = shit sandwich

It's always the same 2 choices...
Now get out there and vote!
wow..still no one on the left gets it..pelosi . whos husband owns american samoa .OWNs
pelosi has helped her husbands company with funds to american samoa and enslaves the peoples of american samoa through special legislation that her husbands company proffits from.
none of you have a problem with her flying a jet back and forth from DC to california twice a week at the cost to the tax payers of around 600k dollars a week? can you say double standard?
can you say hypocrite?
can you say complete and total ass hole ?
can you say elitism and snobbery of the highest order?
the commies had a word for you liberals like we have in the USA..they called you usefull idiots.

it's not that we didnt hear you.
you expect us to argue facts?
pelosi didnt pick the jet, the white house sgt. at arms did. nobody once made mention of fatass-doesnt know the words to the star spangled banner- Dennis hastert. Who began using a plane to travel to illinois after 9-11. (it's good to keep the speaker of the house safe, they are third in line for if POTUS dies).

so, shove your reactionary BS up your bacteria hole, guy. try doing your own research. She flew commercial until she was house speaker.
I went to a protest rally today ... along with about 500 other people that showed up. The only political poster I saw had a picture of Obama and a picture of Ahhhnold, the governor of California. All other posters were about taxation, government over spending, abolishing the FED ... but nothing about Republicans or Democrats. Unlike leftists when they protest ... or a better term, riot ... everyone was well behaved and friendly.

Did you smoke pot and scream out, kill the commies?
it's not that we didnt hear you.
you expect us to argue facts?
pelosi didnt pick the jet, the white house sgt. at arms did. nobody once made mention of fatass-doesnt know the words to the star spangled banner- Dennis hastert. Who began using a plane to travel to illinois after 9-11. (it's good to keep the speaker of the house safe, they are third in line for if POTUS dies).

so, shove your reactionary BS up your bacteria hole, guy. try doing your own research. She flew commercial until she was house speaker.

I don't see why the politicians should have a private jet. Though I also don't see the reason why we should be protecting them from a citizen (who may or may not be deranged) that wants to kill them.

If they have managed to piss off some one that badly then so be it.

Besides, "The best form of government is a benevolent tyranny tempered by the occassional assassination,"

The assassination of course, keeps the politicians from thinking that they are anything more than public servants that can be removed from office by force at any time.
I don't see why the politicians should have a private jet. Though I also don't see the reason why we should be protecting them from a citizen (who may or may not be deranged) that wants to kill them.

If they have managed to piss off some one that badly then so be it.

Besides, "The best form of government is a benevolent tyranny tempered by the occassional assassination,"

The assassination of course, keeps the politicians from thinking that they are anything more than public servants that can be removed from office by force at any time.

Brilliant. We'll throw away the votes of 300 million Americans and let the Lee Harvey Oswald's of the world pick our leaders. :roll:
the roman empire lasted over 1400 hundred years. how long has the american empire last? 223 years.
the romans if they had a piss poor leader would simply kill them. seems like it worked well .
they were the longest lasting empire.
there is ALOT to be said for the roman system of government ..
back in the old days these goon we have running government would have never made it.
seems they made all of these laws up to replace HONOR.
in the old days a woman would not have been elected into office.
and a dishonorable gentleman was likely to be shot in a duel.
there is alot of be said for that system also.
another tradition that we used to have in the old days to avoid revolution was something called a RECALL
in other words the guy you sent to congress would be fired by a recall vote. a recall vote was easy to set up and remove your SERVANT.
another ratified or so called ratified amendment to the constitution the 17th amendment .
before this amendment the state legislatures picked your state senators. A EXCELLENT IDEA.
there is alot of question marks as to this amendments proper ratifacation.
in other words it was never ratified . another 1913 fuck job along with the federal reserve.
another amendment in question is the 16th amendment. it never received the 2/3 of the states voted to enact it .
now you know why i think the brutal truth is a sociopath.
all the founding fathers were sociopaths according to you.
talk about a bunch of trouble makers.
all they had to do was listen to the government and let them selfs be enslaved by tax . and give up their fire arms of course.
if our founders had the balls you wimpy fuckers have you would not be free.
all the founding fathers were sociopaths according to you.
talk about a bunch of trouble makers.
all they had to do was listen to the government and let them selfs be enslaved by tax . and give up their fire arms of course.
if our founders had the balls you wimpy fuckers have you would not be free.

You're a real moron.

It's not even worth the trouble of explaining.
no its not.
you would sell your freedom for a little socialism.
i will not.
you will sale my freedom for your socialism
the problem is its not your freedom to sell.
the freedom you enjoy was bought by the blood of honest men.
mostly farmers .
im sure you liberals wonder why you are so hated by people.
all you are is a leech on the ass of humanity . you serve no purpose but to drag the whole of man kind down to serve your own purposes
no its not.
you would sell your freedom for a little socialism.
i will not.
you will sale my freedom for your socialism
the problem is its not your freedom to sell.
the freedom you enjoy was bought by the blood of honest men.
mostly farmers .
im sure you liberals wonder why you are so hated by people.
all you are is a leech on the ass of humanity . you serve no purpose but to drag the whole of man kind down to serve your own purposes

dude, you have no idea what you are talking about. and as a Marine i got to say go fuck yourself. you don't know what a sociopath is, obviously. and you are also obviously easily scared, your rantings thusfar are all very obviously fear based (*whining* they want to take my country away and nationalize everything and they want me to give up my freedom, oh god!)
for the record, i am not a liberal, i am a moderate. it just irks the shit out of me to see the people who are going to be paying less taxes crying about doing nothing more than rolling back tax policies to what they were in the clinton years. everyone did well under clinton, even you, though you would likely choke admitting it, like the fonz trying to say he was wrong. so fuck you again for the things you said about me, you realy made a good argument there. our government has been in the care of drunk teenagers for the past 8 years, finaly we have an adult in the whitehouse, making hard decisions and taking action, whilethe last president spent nearly %30 of his term on vacation. while we were at war in two countries. and paying billion in no-bid contracts to cheneys buddies. and passing the so called patriot act wich erased bits of the constitution and the bill of rights. Freedom? Make me laugh again, please.
your a loser. you need to go read the founding documents over and over and over again.
after all you did take a oath to uphold and deffend it from all enemys foreign and domestic.
your the ones stealing from me . im not the one stealing from you.
a moderate is just another word for a chicken shit liberal .
your country is going bankrupt and going there fast.
you are so far in over your head you are going to drown in debt and you are to fucking stupid to know it.
your a loser.

at least i can tell the difference between the possesive 'your' and the conjunction you're (you are).
you cant fucking spell at a 6th grade level and you want to tell me i'm stupid?
again. go fuck yourself. or you could move to canada, you won't be missed.

max420now on ignore list for GP.