Quantum T5 bad boy ?


Active Member
Hey guys new to the boards here love it so far I have read some good info from all of you. I have a ? about the Quantum T5 Bad boy I am thinking to root cuttings and to veg under this set up before they go to the flower room ? Instead of buying another H I D set up the heat is killing me so far! Can I or would I get good tight internode spacing from this and fast growth ? Any pro's and con's any feed back would be great thank you :peace:


Active Member
I assume your looking at the 4 tube setup. I imagine you could but the problem is your plants are going to be far less bushier since flourscent's cant really penetrate to far.... Internodes will most likely be spread out more also compared to MH since it doesn't penetrate nearly as well as a 400 watt or 1000.

Edit: But yes vegging under T5's is a great option if the heat is truly killing you, but the side by side comparison between MH and T5 is obvious MH>T5. Your going to use HPS for flowerign anyways right? why not just air cool your hood if possible.


Active Member
I assume your looking at the 4 tube setup. I imagine you could but the problem is your plants are going to be far less bushier since flourscent's cant really penetrate to far.... Internodes will most likely be spread out more also compared to MH since it doesn't penetrate nearly as well as a 400 watt or 1000.

Edit: But yes vegging under T5's is a great option if the heat is truly killing you, but the side by side comparison between MH and T5 is obvious MH>T5. Your going to use HPS for flowerign anyways right? why not just air cool your hood if possible.
In my flower room the hood is air cooled with a 14000 btu a/c and central a/c running all the time just to maintain 80-71 degrees


Active Member
I want to use the 16 tube set up and I only veg for 2-3 weeks max so I think that it not have a problem to penetrate the entire plant


I have been looking at the T5 light for months now. They have it at the hydro shop down the street from my house. The lights are much cooler then any other T5 light. I think it's the best T5 light you can buy hands down.


Picking up the 6 bulb version tomorrow. Also grabbing the 2900k bulbs and going to add that to my current 120w LED and try flowering under them in a 5x4x2 tent. Excited to see how it goes. Veg was great under my LED, but it cant cut flowering. I am trying to go with as little heat from the lamps as possible.

Sativa G

Active Member
Best way to use the Bad Boy T5 is to LST everything. Keeps everything low and bushy. Better light penetration and tons more bud sites. Bad Boys Rock ...very low heat and power consumption.


Well-Known Member
hey 916 bangster im right down the road[209] i vegged plants all winter on cfl's & it works good those t-5 bad boys should do an awesome job i grew clones in 3x3 rockwool cubes 20-24'' then vegged 1-2 wks under 600-hps during that time i clone again & start the process all over while the stuff under the hps finishes off with the right strain [50-60 day bud cycle] you wont need to keep a mother plant i think youve got the right idea if i could afford it thats what i would do & just breeze the babies with an oscillating fan


27Bronco Hey let me know how you like it and the results you get good luck
So far so good. Very tight internode growth, and flower production has been great so far, also using LED side lighting. All in all i would say its a very nice light and would recommend it. I will keep you updated as i keep moving forward. Only 2 weeks into flower with it now.


Best way to use the Bad Boy T5 is to LST everything. Keeps everything low and bushy. Better light penetration and tons more bud sites. Bad Boys Rock ...very low heat and power consumption.
LST would work, but i am going to Scrog 3 plants under the badboy next grow. Think SCROG is the way to go with T-5, but so far i havent tried it.