Qrazy Train from seed


Well-Known Member
Pulled the MH bulb out from above the plants im waiting to get a few more inches out of Kaboom before I switch to 12/12.

IMG_4268 (Large).jpg


Well-Known Member
Dude looks like a lady

#1 QT has grown male preflowers on one side and female on the other side. Needless to say a QT4 clone is now in QT1s pot as of a couple minutes ago.


Well-Known Member

Made a rolling stand for the 2x4 tent (veg room). Ill save my back a few trips when I need to move plants from tent to tent.



Well-Known Member
yeah F the male lol, how many you got vegging while the others go into flower? and its under a 600 right? what method you use when cloning? im going to take cuts soon still debating how ima do it cuz once i cut i wont have any mothers everything is goin straight to flower.


Well-Known Member
I have 1 clone of each Qrazy train so # 2 and # 4. Then a Kaboom clone..... And yea the 2x4 is a 600.

Cloning just clonex, rapid rooters, shoebox, spray bottle and waiting about a week and a half but I've had good results.

Also hopefully I'll get some sort of decent keeper out of the two QT. I may have placed another order for seeds again today lol.... I got some Space Dawg. Im thinking about poppin those next.


Well-Known Member
cool, yeah i do the same thing for cloning,basic simple way my friend gets better results than me but he uses a heat mat, i wanna c how that jilly comes out, im hesitant ordering of the net does tude ship to cali? i want some white romulan nd master fire alien kush from og r.


Well-Known Member
It was day 56 yesterday. So 8 weeks for this group but remember I sexed them too. So that took about a week to two weeks to get those smaller plants to show sex back then. Now that I have clones vegging should only be 5-6 weeks. I think next time for sexing the next round of seeds I'm going to just sex clones.


Well-Known Member
Some quick vids before I watered and swept the room.




Well-Known Member
Mainlining Kaboom

I feel like without the step of sexing I could have shaved off 3 weeks off of the 9 weeks I'm at. So I will be watching my clones to see if they can meet that expectation of 6 weeks of solid veg.

Week 3 Day before sexing starts

photo 1.JPGphoto 2.JPG

Week 4 Mainlined (Chopped for two mains)

photo 3.JPG

Week 5 8/27

photo 4.JPG

Week 5 1/2

photo 5.JPGphoto 1.JPG

Week 6

photo 2.JPGphoto 3.JPG

Week 7 1/2

photo 4.JPGphoto 5.JPGphoto 1.JPG

Week 8

photo 2.JPGphoto 3.JPG

Week 9 9/20 (Bottom left hand corner, starts flower tomorrow)

photo 4.JPG


Well-Known Member
lets get this show started:), i have some clones come off a flowering plant took a month too get back on full veg,


Well-Known Member

So far I think the best mainline has been on the kaboom and I think that might be cause she was the fastest growing and got a lot more attention. With the QT that hermied I learned my lesson on not getting tough with the main branches early. I let one side sit a little taller then the other for a few days when it was a smaller plant and by the time I chopped it the other side was a bit more dominate then the other. So keeping everything level is key early on. The number 2 and 4 QTs are even but I topped for 4 on one of the first nodes growing off the main hub and now the canopy is super tight and trying to get them bent outwards is a daily proccess, so With the QTs I have I will try to top for 4 a couple more nodes up instead of tight to the base. The top for 8 worked out well for the two plants.


Well-Known Member
So a decision had to be made today... the kaboom clone was in a 3 gallon plastic bag pot and none of the smart pots were taller then the 3 gallon bag. So I had to go with a 10 gallon hard pot. 10 gallons is a lot.... lol that plant might be a monster..

IMG_4274 (Large).jpg

Put a Qrazy Train 2 clone in a plastic air pot to see how it works.
IMG_4276 (Large).jpg


Well-Known Member
I hated those air pots, ended up switching over to felt pots...you gotta water those air pots extremely slow and its probably best to have a nice saucer under them to catch runoff, otherwise water doesn't ever reach the bottom before running out the side. I also had trouble with the sides of the soil drying out and creating open space between the pot and the soil.....could have just been my soil type but it works fine in felt pots.


Well-Known Member
i have a couple friends who swear by them, but I just can't get passed the looks of the air pots...I like fabric or hard pots tbh.