QQ: Outdoors in Fabric Pots... what size?


Active Member
I've tried googling and cannot come up with solid answer on what size fabric pots I should buy.
My plan is 2 plants (Ghost Train and Green Crack) outdoors. Seeds are germinated, just going to give them a couple more weeks (by early/mid June) to transplant them. Sticking with hydroponics but using Coco Coir/Perlite this time. I only grew indoors in recirc bubble buckets so far, so this is new for me. Any advice on what size pots? Is 7 gal. big enough or should I go to 10, or even bigger?
If they're photoperiod plants I'd definitely go bigger than that. I would do at least 15, but you could certainly do 30 or more.
I'm thinking maybe I should have done some more research before I got these seeds going. There is no way I can get away with monsters like that.
Like guys said biggest you can keeping in mind how much dough it takes to fill them
I run 35's and 100's. Divide gallons by 7.480 for cf