QB132 vs PFD Sunboards

I suggest using barrier strips and jumpers to make a power distribution bus:


run 14 g wire from the driver to the distribution bus. Then run 18G from the bus to each strip individually.
@nfhiggs So 8-12 of these wired in parallel. Best to way to go about wiring these? Use the connectors on the strips or wagos, or is there a better way? 18 ga.
tinned wire between the strips (rated to 600v which from what I've read should be more than enough) & I have a computer power cord that is 16 ga./three prong for the power supply, will that work or need to go bigger on the wire for power supply? (And what would my dimming options be with the lrs-350-36? Potentiometer or something else? I understand the parallel circuit, I just don't know where to wire a dimmer in or if it would require more than one to do it on a parallel circuit? I've done some electrical work, not a lot, but outlets, lights switches, basic stuff...replaced and rewired the fan, contactor, and capacitor on my a/c unit....have just always had something to go by, never just wired something up from scratch.

That power cord will be fine. Plenty big enough for 350W max. The LRS power supplies are dimmable only with the built-in voltage adjustment.