QAnon & the Republican Party

America is the only country to suffer "craytionists" that would rather purge the country into badly educated Bible thumping dummies. "That demon evilution" type people. Thick as shit
and yet we now know Bernie bros were just fantasy portrayed by russia; their usual hijinx to freak out moderate dems and the extreme right.

i know you want to apologize to me but no need:wink:- we're friends and even internet friends understand each other.
unfortunately, no. Bernie Bros are real. I met them in the form of you, tty and Pad, a few others and I have the sense that @Dryxi and @PJ Diaz are as well. Not that it matters now, it's just that Bernie Bros are as susceptible to fake conspiracy theories as any Trumper is. Allies, yes, but unreliable allies.

You are OK, we are good. But, yeah, you were a classic Bernie Bro.
unfortunately, no. Bernie Bros are real. I met them in the form of you, tty and Pad, a few others and I have the sense that @Dryxi and @PJ Diaz are as well. Not that it matters now, it's just that Bernie Bros are as susceptible to fake conspiracy theories as any Trumper is. Allies, yes, but unreliable allies.

You are OK, we are good. But, yeah, you were a classic Bernie Bro.

Bernie Bro (sometimes spelled Berniebro), collectively Bernie Bros, is a term coined in 2015 by Robinson Meyer of The Atlantic as a pejorative to describe young male supporters of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders in the 2016 United States presidential election.

last i looked i was peen-less.

figures some one guy came up with and every man thereafter followed suit.
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"Creationists" are not all christians.

Funny though how it claims persecution. But only persecution they get is self inflicted.

Prefer to stick with evidence based living.
Leave it to you to fuck up a priest telling Christians to stop playing the victim card.
Bernie Bro (sometimes spelled Berniebro), collectively Bernie Bros, is a term coined in 2015 by Robinson Meyer of The Atlantic as a pejorative to describe young male supporters of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders in the 2016 United States presidential election.

last i looked i was peen-less.

figures some one guy came up with and every man thereafter followed suit.
Call it what you will. I'm not accusing you of anything. Just saying that you, tty and pad and many others participated in the wacko anti-Clinton campaign that went on during and after the primary.

Then there were the racist bits you posted. It is all part and parcel of the Bernie Bro bullshit.

It's not as if you became a Nov 3 truther for Trump or anything. Mostly we agree. We did not agree about the fake news nonsense that you posted about Hillary, the campaign or the Democratic Party. I don't expect you to change either. I'm willing to let it rest in the past but not willing to say it didn't happen either.

I mean, your butt hurt Bernie Bro posts aren't all that far back in the past. It's OK, just don't ask me to ignore the facts like you do.

knew it.

Bernie Sanders wanted Labor Secretary which he hands down deserves for the coalition- reading between the lines and listening to the direct quote 'we have enough progs in my cabinet already and need to focus on those key seats in the House and Senate.

Rode hard and put away wet is what i'd say just happened to the prog wing.

"Biden shanked the Progs". As if you mattered enough to be shanked and Biden is some kind of killer. It's all so hysterical. Bernie as labor secretary? I like the one he chose much more than Bernie. He picked somebody he works well with and has experience as a leader in the labor movement. I'm OK with you wanting Bernie and all that, it's the histrionic headline that says where your head is at.

I don't want to be critical of you. But don't pull a Trump and try to change the facts when it becomes convenient.
Bernie Bro (sometimes spelled Berniebro), collectively Bernie Bros, is a term coined in 2015 by Robinson Meyer of The Atlantic as a pejorative to describe young male supporters of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders in the 2016 United States presidential election.

last i looked i was peen-less.
meh, it's not as if Pads peen was good for anything. Let's just say that you are a Bernie Bro who was born without a vestigial penis.

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Is the Republican talking point about Jan 6th 2021 really going to become 'well at least it wasn't a mass murder event, so we're good.'?
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He's also being watched like a hawk by the current secretaries of defense and army, not to mention being investigated in depth. He will be a witness during the insurrection hearings the house democrats will be holding.
Brother of QAnon conspiracy theorist Michael Flynn assumes command of US Army Pacific |

Brother of QAnon conspiracy theorist Michael Flynn assumes command of US Army Pacific
Unlike his brother, Gen. Charles Flynn has not publicly embraced conspiracies or called for a military coup

According to Stars and Stripes, the brother of disgraced Gen. Michael Flynn, Gen. Charles Flynn, is assuming command of U.S. Army Pacific.

"Flynn — the younger brother of Michael Flynn, who briefly served as national security adviser under former President Donald Trump — took the reins from Gen. Paul LaCamera, who will move on to command U.S. Forces Korea," reported Wyatt Olson. "Flynn arrived from Washington, D.C., where he had served since June 2019 as deputy chief of staff for Army operations, plans and training. He has been stationed in Hawaii numerous times, most recently as deputy commanding general at U.S. Army Pacific."

Unlike his brother, Charles Flynn has not publicly embraced QAnon conspiracy theories or called for a military coup. However, he has not been without controversy — the Army tried to conceal the fact that he was involved in response planning to the Capitol riot in January.
Charles Flynn delayed the national guard for hours on January 6th, he's another traitor.
He's out of the way while they investigate and he will be a witness in the insurrection hearings, no doubt about that. No way will secretary of defense Lloyd Austin let that slide, his roll can't be too obvious or he would be forced out by now. If the hearings show he did have a roll in delaying the response, his continued service would be a real problem for Austin. He has already been investigated by the army and his superiors, if not, they are fucked too for keeping him in the service and in command.
unfortunately, no. Bernie Bros are real. I met them in the form of you, tty and Pad, a few others and I have the sense that @Dryxi and @PJ Diaz are as well. Not that it matters now, it's just that Bernie Bros are as susceptible to fake conspiracy theories as any Trumper is. Allies, yes, but unreliable allies.

You are OK, we are good. But, yeah, you were a classic Bernie Bro.
I voted for Bernie in the primaries, but Biden in the general. Does that make me a "Bernie-Bro", or nah?