Q about the eye in the sky


Active Member
its not that they can't detect them, its just that they're harder to notice. especially from the sky.


im pretty sure marijuana plants retain a little more heat than other regular foliage. other plants and trees etc. there are cameras that do find bud plants, through infared and other detection avenues but they are expensive and prolly not used by many copper choppers. so the answer is more yes than no but its a complicated one. just make sure ur spot is off the beaten path and dont plant more than 3-5 plants in the same area. always have a backup story.
good luck


Active Member
Thermal imaging does not really spot weed plants in the thick woods. If you look through an infrared camera at a spot in the woods with with manzanita, oak, pine, some brush, and marijuana, the weed won't even stick out. Its not like the weed plants are glowing red while everything else is blue lol. As far as visibly spotting, it is very hard, if not impossible, for a helicopter to spot single weed plants like 8 feet apart in the brush. As long as they are not 10 foot monsters you should be fine :)

roll it up smoke it up

Well-Known Member
alright cool bc im planting them in my back yard its medium to heavy woods this is my first attempt outside i have a few sucessful closet grow witch include ak 47 and blueberry and some mids never outside though