Q about Nutrients


Active Member
Do some reading...there's a shit ton of threads about this stuff on RIU that have already been discussed.

Your question is just simply to broad to answer easily is what I'm getting at...


hahahah dood yougota be fucked up look at waht you wrote...
if you are doing soil Fox Fram fursure...but if hydro you can use the Botanicare line up or Senis.
Any Nute brand with trace minerals is good. Outside wont work ,Its gona be fall next week, wait till march-june to start yull still get big ass budz


hahahah dood yougota be fucked up look at waht you wrote...
if you are doing soil Fox Fram fursure...but if hydro you can use the Botanicare line up or Senis.
Any Nute brand with trace minerals is good. Outside wont work ,Its gona be fall next week, wait till march-june to start yull still get big ass budz
Man i started growing my afghan hashish insaide my room at first i was confort but after read about feeding and that thing i begine worry about loss my dougthers fuck i dont know what i ve to do ok just answer what ph up & ph down