Pyschonaut First Aid Sation!!!!

I love psychedelics so much because they make you see like a child sees. Everything feels new and fresh and exciting

This is why mushrooms are so important for you, they keep the mind fresh and open. They dissolve cynicism and allow one to see the world with new eyes. As we age, we can't help but get set in our ways and become resentful and bitter "haters". They help resolve regrets and past fears. They allow one to break free of unhealthy schemata that hold us back from cherishing the life and people we have. I truly believe that mushrooms hold the key to the eternal youth of the mind. This is an experience that goes beyond the actual "trip". It is something that stays with you. Forgive my use of religious terminology, but a mushroom trip is the closest thing to a real Eucharist there is. As the Eucharist is said to renew the soul, so mushrooms renew the mind.
I'm assuming you meant duck, no comment?
The Docu --mentary ........ No comment on the sober campers I meant. That is a touchy subject... and if someone is part of the 5% of the success rate that AA/NA has, then I don't want to rain on their sober parade.
[video=youtube_share;OARVGVv8HdY][/video] Ah yes my droogs time for another installment of clockwork orange favorite hits!
my plant.jpgmy plant from last harvest i didnt get to harvest i movedd to tn but my parter harvested for me and sent me $$$
The brotherhood is def involved with sober camping,but mainly to keep lot kids from walking through in front or your kids(children) yelling 'doses,rolls,nuggets,ketamine'...kinda hard to explain to your preteen what ketamine is...