Pyschonaut First Aid Sation!!!!

It's a noble idea but I would suggest someone in need of someone to talk to immediately look to a more active board than this.
I'd be surprised if someone rolling hardcore in a negative way could get here actually lol! Can't believe doctors used to treat mental illness with electricity! Just sayin.
lol... i expect the SOS to be like: blugidkeosodnr!z,!. eldo! Ya, this board is kinda dead for HS..... im active cuz my grow is on vacation
We should start a thread for HS regulars to post pics of their plants if they don't want to do journals. One of the big reasons I started one here was I was sick of hearing "does anyone here even grow?"
I like that idea because I think HS is the most tolerable of posters.... it would be for growers that dont want to hear critics opinions on why organics or hydro or blah blah is better .... HS growers would be expected to have a odd grow tek ne way lol
I just want us to be able to show folks we do grow. I don't think this site needs anymore people disagreeing over how to grow a weed though.
the bad trip im on-

is married with kids, and man, it sucks.


can you help me? talk me down, man. talk me down.
Thats what we are here for. Take 5 hits of LSD then do a puppet show with the kids. and post back in the morning.
Look deeply and it will be the best thing you have bro..I guarantee it...and yes I agree I'm on the same level duck..its weird to go to the grow area cause there's allways some big nuts grower that's better than you,and you're never gonna be that good,or so they say..that's why I rarely post..I think I've started 4 times as many threads in HS as any section of the grow ares,and just for that reason..nothing I say is true HS I'm respected,as most all members are(except a few spats regarding personal beliefs..).. love with the family..I loved dancing with my son and daughters last oldest I took her up front row center for string cheese..I've never seen her so happy..bought her an emerald wire wrap and it made her smile so big it hurt me!lol...
I love psychedelics so much because they make you see like a child sees. Everything feels new and fresh and exciting
I don't let society predispositions veer me from doing what I want with my family..altho I had a crazy time last weekend as I've stated,my children were well taken care of (my son choking was an incident of sporadicy)..I enjoyed myself and knew the whole time with responsibility we were all safe..I feel more familys with responsibe precautions could benifit from a 'tribal commune situation'.my kids helped out more than say this in defense of psychonauts..I don't condone spiritual trips when having to be responsible with the offspring,or simply others partaking in the journey,but mild controled doses are spiritually and def beneficial...the 4 day after glow proves it for me.
So right on Rory! I watched a great documentary on Wavy Gravy!!! He set up a kids camp where the pranksters an whoever go to trip. His ideas and kids activities are so great!!! Teaching kids to fall and stuff like that ... you just need t see it if you have not
They call it the brotherhood...its a family camp within a show..they had camp at interlocken..I can find the link from your post but not the info u suggest..but I am high as balls to a smurf. :-)