Pyschedelic Breakfast's 400w Cabinet Grow

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Sneaked into my cab today and grabbed a popcorn bud I had drying and threw it into the bong. What a feeling it is to be smoking my own weed. Lol. Got some floyd going right now and everythings grand :eyesmoke:

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, what's up?

Been in kind of a haze these past few days. My samples have fully dried and ive wasted no time sampling them. :eyesmoke:

I harvested the bag seed plant. It's currently drying right now along with another branch of the northern lights. I've never had this much smoke before lol

I'll post some pictures in the morning. The yield wasn't great but it was 12/12 from seed and was sickly it's entire life.

Wish I had more, it smells and tastes nice without a proper cure yet. Pretty potent too bongsmilie

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
what was the yeild and strain mate was it northern u mean and how quick was it from seed to harvest pal..
Hey kevin,

It was just a random bag seed I had from some old brickweed.

I have a Northern Lights plant and a Stoned Immaculate plant left, they're still going and are much bigger.

I didn't bother checking yield, it was so little. Plus, I harvested the top half the week earlier because it was doing bad. But heres what I got from that one


Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Heres a picture of my two main plants. Northern Lights on the right, stoned immaculate on the left.

I'm thinking a weekish left on Northern Lights. Maybe a couple on the other. Lights are still on so not the best picture, but I'm thinking I'll get more yield off one Cola of one of these than I did the entire third plant.

I'm not complaining though, even though the yield was small, all the samples have been amazing :eyesmoke:


Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Hey guys!

I've decided to chop down the Northern Lights plant tonight! She's my biggest plant and the majority is cloudy with some amber here and there. I'm hoping for a sleepy stone for my wife, but I didnt want to let it get too much amber.

Any opinions? It's 75% Indica with primarily cloudy, few clear, few amber. amber is more prominent at certain parts.

I've heard you want a lot of amber to get a stone, but I've also heard go cloudy on an indica strain. Anyone with experience on it? Specifically for a Northern Lights

The tops are starting to look a bit more done than the rest, but all look going. Think I had some heat stress. Made the upper level of leaves crispyish and yellow. But everything under is nice. Buds look fine though.

I'll be posting pictures of the harvest tonight for any interested!


Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Whoops! I ended up doing a couple favors for my cousin in law and didn't get home till an hour before lights off. Ive had to reschedule till Wednesday. Should have pics wednesday night

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Well I ended up working tonight which means I got delayed again. Something doesn't want me to chop, but that's fine.

The plant I did cut a weekish ago is almost gone now. I've been enjoying it greatly. Yield was low, but after just a dry it tasted great. I can't smoke anything else currently. Never had bud that tasted like this. After reading all this about proper dry and cure I got intimidated but this is great. I didn't flush on this and I don't notice anything bad expxept the harshness. It's been curing for awhile and each day it seems less harsh.

Maybe my standards are lower than others, but I think it's great.

Although my wife's cousin who usually hooks me up just started getting schwag again and invited me over. Not sure I can smoke that stuff anymore. But was happy to get a few new seeds to try. Afterall, the tiny plant I just harvested came from probably worse.

All right I'm done rambling. Time for some more smoke bongsmilie

What's up everyone?

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
nice bro..angle in my growtent...13 weeks veg.....on signature on thread mate..
sweet i'll check it out in a few man.

No plans today so naturally a great time for a harvest! I'm cooking some food right now and after it's done going to start cutting down my Northern Lights.

Here's a quick picture of her taken a couple minutes ago. Leaves look bad, but the buds look great in person. Wish I had a better camera :eyesmoke:


Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
All right. Just got everything together and I'm about to start harvesting. I'll be back with pics after its finished tonight.

Here's what i'm going to put them into as i cut before they go in the box to dry. Did a picture for scale then my cat got in one. Needs to clean that out :eyesmoke:


Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Well that was fun! I finished around 6 hours ago but then had company so I couldn't update.

But I got out the two bins thinking it was overkill considering my last plant barely filled a plate. But this surprised me with how much there was.
Gathered some scissor hash and had my first experience smoking hash. Gonna buy a couple x Micron bags to make some proper hash.

Anyway, here are the harvest pictures! I still have one left

Northern Lights:
Day 70 from 12/12


Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
And here's the cab now. It took three different cardboard boxes to fit all the clippings in. I was able to rearrange the cab and now the Stoned Immaculate, catnip, and tomato seedling all have direct exposure

