Putting Seeds In Soil?

i have 5 auto flower seeds and i want to know whats the best way to put the seeds in the dirt to ensure it will sprout up.


Well-Known Member
I started some a couple weeks ago by putting them directly in soil. I watered the soil good, then pushed a little dent with my finget about 1/2 deep or so, dropped my seed in and covered it gently with soil. I would then spray the soil with a misting sprayer a couple times a day as needed when the top of the soil would dry out. Misting worked well keeping it moist yet not disturbing the seed like pouring water in would. I did nothing special for temps or humidity, normal growing conditions and 2-3 days they sprouted. Lights were on 24/7 to greet them. Every one i've done like this has germed in a few days. About 5 or so seeds. Of course there are several ways to do it all work, I prefer making things easy. Have fun! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Use the paper towel germination method.. once your seeds have a good sprout approx 1/2 inch then they are ready to plant. Have your soil pre done... damp not soaking wet... use a pen or pencil and push it into the soil to make your hole, just shy of a 1/2 inch.. place your seed into the hole sprout end down but make sure the flower end..(seed shell) is above the soil. Push a little dirt back over the sprout making sure not to cover the flower end (seed shell) and there you go all ready to grow nice and big.



Active Member
Why the paper towel method? Why not just plant the seed directly in the soil? I've never understood this.


Well-Known Member
Put it in a shot glass until the seed cracks and you see a tiny bit of tap root sticking out. Then plant into peat pellet or just plain soil.


Well-Known Member
Why the paper towel method? Why not just plant the seed directly in the soil? I've never understood this.
Nothing to understand. It is personal preference.

I germ in soil, in rockwool cubes and paper towel. Depends on my mood. They all work.

Sometimes seeds simply don't crack.


Active Member
Nothing to understand. It is personal preference.

I germ in soil, in rockwool cubes and paper towel. Depends on my mood. They all work.

Sometimes seeds simply don't crack.
Fair enough. It just always seemed like an extraneous step to me. But hey, if that's what you dig, I can dig that.


Well-Known Member
I choose to use the paper towel method simply because it allows me to see what seeds have cracked and to get a nice long root going before the seed even hits the soil. It also allows me to have a seed root started into the soil with the leaf portion already above ground and ready for light, I can monitor the progress better doing it this way instead of waiting for the seed to break ground and then come up. I honestly don't find the extra step that tedious to be truthful.



Well-Known Member
I choose to use the paper towel method simply because it allows me to see what seeds have cracked and to get a nice long root going before the seed even hits the soil.
It will grow every bit as long in the soil. No point whatever in putting seeds in paper towel. Just makes an extra unnecessary step.