Putting rockwool into soil?


Well-Known Member
If they have STRONG roots put them in soil. It may have been just me, but out of 6 seedlings only 3 survived when I transplanted them to soil.

I read somewhere that some plants don't like the change and don't survive if they're not established enough (strong roots).

Let's see some pics of those babies:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
If they have STRONG roots put them in soil. It may have been just me, but out of 6 seedlings only 3 survived when I transplanted them to soil.

I read somewhere that some plants don't like the change and don't survive if they're not established enough (strong roots).

Let's see some pics of those babies:mrgreen:
I'll snap some new pics when I get home to show the root growth..you guys can tell me whether they are ready to transplant or not =p


Well-Known Member
Use b1, super thrive or at right aids they sell b1 for plants. No kidding right aid! b1 helps with shock. Once i reipped all the roots out of a transplant and stuck it in dwc, it flowering right now!


Well-Known Member
here are some pics

group photo

a nice looking one

and here is a pic of my oldest seedling (2-1/2 weeks)...not sure why the leaves are like that =O


Well-Known Member
Go for it bro, works the same way as if you were to go buy tomatoes with biodegradable pots. Plus you get the extra insulation around ur babies stem.


Well-Known Member
Should be making the transfer tonight. I have the soil already. My hydro store had to order some square pots though. They were all out of stock. Hopefully pick them up from the way home from work.

Only problem is my temporary veg box only has room for 8 pots =O...i dont plan on growing more then that but i was hoping to get more of my seedlings into my flower chamber to have a better chance at actually getting 8 females =[


Well-Known Member
Should be making the transfer tonight. I have the soil already. My hydro store had to order some square pots though. They were all out of stock. Hopefully pick them up from the way home from work.

Only problem is my temporary veg box only has room for 8 pots =O...i dont plan on growing more then that but i was hoping to get more of my seedlings into my flower chamber to have a better chance at actually getting 8 females =[
Put them in cups and have them be the backup. i figure better to get a stunted female, than a healthy male right?


Well-Known Member
Put them in cups and have them be the backup. i figure better to get a stunted female, than a healthy male right?
Hrmm...Well my veg box will be completely full once i put the pots in there tonight...like i will have 0 room....i should have my flowering chamber ready next week sometime though

you think if i put them inside some smaller pots and put them under some shit lights for a week tops they will be alright?

i just dont want to end up with a bunch of males


Well-Known Member
Your odds are that out of the 8 plants you have under your setup, 4 will be male (unless you got feminized seeds).

So expect to have more room for another 4. In a nutshell you want to plant at least 16 plants for you to have almost 100% odds that you'll have 8 females in the end of the day.

BTW, this is not from experience, just simple statistics.