Putting my new Quantum Badboy to the test!


After assembling my new 8bulb Quantum T-5 unit,I realised that my grow cab was about 6 damn inches to narrow for the new setup ,so I spent the weekend tearing the old one apart and rebuilding from scratch...fun LOL.

My current crop is 10 Bubba X Lemon Kush plants from seed.This is the 6th time I have grown this strain from seed and as the first 60 of those seeds were all females I am not going to bother with the whole sexing/reversion thing.Should any show signs of being male when they hit pre-flower I will pull them then.

They are in 1 gallon grow bags with neutral soil with no pre added supplements or nutes.
I am watering 1/2 cup straight water every 2-3 days as needed and a mild solution of Seaweed extract @ 5mils per 2 litres every 7-10 days as they show the need for it.

Currently the girls average 12-14 inches in height with internodal spacing of about 1 1/2 inches.I am hoping this spacing will tighten up under the new lights.
Up to this point I was running them under 5 4ft. generic T-5 full spectrum bulbs. . . not bad but not great either.
they will continue to recieve the seaweed extract for the entire veg cycle as it not only contains all 13 mineral elements required for healthy plant growth ,but also a large number of natural growth hormones.

they are currently under an 18/6 light cycle which I will be switching to 12/12 in about a week.At that point I will add a top dressed supplement from a local company (Welcome Harvest Farms) called Flower Power.
Aprox 1 tablespoon is all I will add to each 1 gallon grow bag.I will also start adding an organic Bloom Tea once pre-flower signs appear.feel free to comment or question please..

now to see if I can add some pics here. . .Badboy unit unassembled and then some of it in action.



The plants have been under the new lights for a week now ,so here is a bit of a progress report.
My new 2900k bulbs have not arrived yet but due to height limitations in my cabinet I have put the 6500k bulbs on to the 12/12 cycle.
The internodal spacing is certainly tightening up under the new light.As well the lower and side branches are gaining height and mass ,both very good signs.
I also added a new Quantum Infinite Breeze fan to help move the air around inside the cabinet.I chose this particular fan as it does something no other fan I have seen do.Not only does it occilate from side to side but it also nods up and down.I thought this was a very cool feature as the air is much more efficiantly used all over the cab as opposed to just across a certain part of the plants or cabinet.
The girls are just starting to show the first hairs of pre-flower so I will add some Bloom Tea tomorrow for thier first feeding of the week.
Now for some pics. . .



The girls recieved thier second feed of Bloom Tea (w) a couple mil's of Seaweed as well.
They are doing well,but I have decided to hold off on my soil supplement untill after this feeding.They will recieve it at the end of this week.
Day temps are staying in the mid 70's with night temps dropping to the low to mid 60's



Still no red-spectrum bulbs to replace the grow bulbs but the plants seem to be coming along fairly well.
I added a soil supplement (top dressed) to boost flowering.
I have also added a Bloom Tea to the Seaweed extract for thier weekly feeding.
I put trays under the plants so they could get a more thorough watering to get the soil supplement working.
The addition of the fan is a nice help as well with day temps staying in the mid 70's and the stocks staying nice and thick.



First day of fourth week and the girls are doing well.
I must say I like these badboy fixtures,they are doing a really good job for T-5's.
I did add the soil supplement,and they are getting Bloom Tea every 5 days now.
Although every seed from this batch has been female ,there seems to be two slightly different phenos involved.About 1/2 the plants are quite tall compared to the others and have slightly thinner leaves.
All in all though I am quite happy with the results.Looks like they may need to go 9 weeks to finish rather than 8.. . time will tell



Well-Known Member
So still only the blue lights eh? Are you planning on just sticking with what you have for the whole grow? I'm interested because I've never seen a plant flowered under 100% blue light... It'd be nice to know how it works just to have the knowledge.


Hooked. . . although I hadn't really planned on it ,the guy i get my lights from is on vacation in Mexico,and as I get my lights for free from him (past favors owed) I am willing to wait.I may not end up with as fast a harvest,but the full spectrum bulbs will do the job if they must.

Thanks for popping in on my thread bud.


the girls are just starting thier fifth week and so far so good.
very easy to tell the two distinct phenos of this cross breed now.
The taller ones lean more towards the appearance of the Lemon Kush and the shorter much more like the Bubba.
Alternating Bloom Tea and water now,no more seaweed.
Here are some pics!



its now 1/2 way through week 6.
Bottom leaves are starting to yellow off as expected,pulling them off as they reach more then %50 yellow.
This Badboy lighting seems to be working really well for a T-5 system,buds are stacking well,plants are staying healthy.
I am now reducing feeding strength of Bloom Tea,with one feed this week and the last one will come early next week,then on to straight water for ten days or so.14 days if they take a bit longer to ripen.
My red spec bulbs are finally in the mail and on thier way,but I may just stick with the blues till end of crop,as there is so little time left and they seem to be doing well enough as is.
Not sure if I will stay with T-5 for full next crop,or if I might try out the Quantum 600 didgital ballast I have just to compare results.Would mean rebuilding my room yet again LOL
Here are some pics from yesterday. . .



Seventh week is just starting.
It looks at this point as if I am going to get two seperate harvest times.
The plants are Bubba and Lemon crosses,and some are short ,showing a higher Bubba cross the rest are tall,showing more of the lemon Pheno.
The taller plants are noticably less mature than the shorter ones.
So the Bubba ones will come down end of next week,or beggining of next,and the taller ones are going to be about ten-fourteen days behind.
They all had a good dose of Bloom Tea on friday and that will be the last food they see. . . time for straight water.
Leaf degradation and loss is accelerating now,which I expected.
All in all I am quite happy with the way this T-5 experiment is going,havent decided yet if I will run another show on T-5 all the way through or if I am going to switch to my Quantum 600w digi ballast for the next run.
Okay. . enough chatter. . here are some pics!



For most of the girls this is there last week of life!
The phenos with more Lemon than Bubba are going to take a bit longer. . . week ten days.
They have been on straight water for 9 days now,so they will have 14 days of water before chopping.
Almost time to pop some new seeds but I still haven't decided what to run for lights in next show.I would like to see what the Badboys can do with proper flowering spectrum bulbs,but I think I would likely do better running the 600w digital.
Here are some current week 8 day 1 pics



All the girls are cut and trimmed and drying out.
I will post final weights and some pics when it is ready.
Thanks to everyone who joined in this thread.


Active Member
nice work darkone7 but i just have one thing to add. those plants would probably be twice as fat if you used an HPS light. just something to think about in the future bc i see you have a good amount of plants going on there. t5 just isnt enough to pack the weight on. you'll be much happier using an HID. i would use that for vegging only. just my opinion