putting a 20 gal smart pot in ...

Prince Charles

New Member
curious question but i'm going to get a bunch of 20 gallon smart pots to put out to one of my guerilla spots..

if I were to dig a hole about 5-6 inches in the ground and put the smart pot in that would that benefit
me ?

the ground in that area stays really moist because of the water table.. so with this being a guerilla grow
would this help me with time inbetween watering because once the roots reach the bottom wouldn't it
help retain moisture in the ground ?

also I think after watering the run-off would sit in the bottom of the hole a short bit before the ground absorbs it.

am I thinking dumb or is this logical ?
yes but you may encounter a root rot problem if the roots begin to grow into the ground (which they will) because they grow towards water at a rapid rate. If your trying to do something like that for a gorilla grow dig holes large enough for resivoir buckets 3 or 5 gallons fill with h2o and any nutes if used. Lantern wicks run from res buckets thru bottom of smt pot and 3/4 thru potting mix all most to surface. plant will only draw as muc h as needed. 20 gallon smt pot will prob need 6-8 wicks each


Well-Known Member
if your water table is that high you will have standing water everytime there is a heavy rain.. standing water is not good for most plants, including cannabis. i would say raise it up off the ground if anything.


Well-Known Member
In Cali, unless your planting in a swamp, it's dry as hell & you'll be glad for every drop. We're in another drought year.


Well-Known Member
yes but you may encounter a root rot problem if the roots begin to grow into the ground (which they will) because they grow towards water at a rapid rate. If your trying to do something like that for a gorilla grow dig holes large enough for resivoir buckets 3 or 5 gallons fill with h2o and any nutes if used. Lantern wicks run from res buckets thru bottom of smt pot and 3/4 thru potting mix all most to surface. plant will only draw as muc h as needed. 20 gallon smt pot will prob need 6-8 wicks each
This here, great idea!.


Well-Known Member
curious question but i'm going to get a bunch of 20 gallon smart pots to put out to one of my guerilla spots..

if I were to dig a hole about 5-6 inches in the ground and put the smart pot in that would that benefit
me ?

the ground in that area stays really moist because of the water table.. so with this being a guerilla grow
would this help me with time inbetween watering because once the roots reach the bottom wouldn't it
help retain moisture in the ground ?

also I think after watering the run-off would sit in the bottom of the hole a short bit before the ground absorbs it.

am I thinking dumb or is this logical ?
074.jpg075.jpg078.jpgya mean like this ?? iv'e been doing this in swamps for over 15 years now and rarely have any problems to deal with other than plants getting to big lol....


Well-Known Member
The main benefits to burying 6" of a smart pot would be moisture control, camouflage, & temp control. But is it worth the work? Probably.
Good luck