Putin moves in, tells Obama to get the hell outta the way, bombs questionable targets in Syria.

As someone who spends every work day working with people from every continent...Obama is a laughingstock and he has certainly brought down America's stock.

This is bullshit or you're working with some pretty dumb people.

"Editor’s note: Bruce Stokes is director of global economic attitudes at the Pew Research Center. The views expressed are his own.

Beleaguered at home, U.S. President Barack Obama remains beloved in many nations abroad. And he is far more popular than his predecessor George W. Bush. But the bloom is definitely off the Obama rose.....

Today, Obama remains largely popular. Half or more of the public in 27 of 43 countries surveyed by the Pew Research Center in 2014 said they had confidence in him to do the right thing in world affairs – his median positive approval rating is 55 percent, similar to the American public’s view of his handling of foreign policy. Indeed, in most nations, the public’s assessment of Obama’s performance is largely unchanged since 2013, and his image has dropped by double digits in just five nations – Brazil, Germany, Argentina, Russia and Japan. But it has risen appreciably in Israel and China."
@Uncle Buck Find it ironic that all these Republicans are so anti-gay and then post up pictures of Putin without his shirt and are like "Look at how strong he is." You can just almost read the subtext, "Look at his creamy white skin... his hairless chest *heavy sigh* His blue eyes, he's so beautiful. If only I could hold him."
@Uncle Buck Find it ironic that all these Republicans are so anti-gay and then post up pictures of Putin without his shirt and are like "Look at how strong he is." You can just almost read the subtext, "Look at his creamy white skin... his hairless chest *heavy sigh* His blue eyes, he's so beautiful. If only I could hold him."

a closeted aryan lover's dream he is.

watch as they now post photos of scantily clad women to prove how heterosexual they all are.
truth time, little bigot.

how did obama get swept into office in a landslide if not for the failings of your republican hero, george w bush?
Lol. George did not run against Obama. Either time. He got "swept" into office by the stupidity, ignorance, and gullibleness on both sides. Need we go through unkept promises? 2008 was similar...stupidity, ignorance, and the leftists now complicit.
Lol. George did not run against Obama. Either time. He got "swept" into office by the stupidity, ignorance, and gullibleness on both sides. Need we go through unkept promises? 2008 was similar...stupidity, ignorance, and the leftists now complicit.

so you're telling me the tremendous international and domestic fuckups of the bush administration had nothing to do with why obama was swept into office in a landslide?

you're smart.
Our government was completely in the wrong getting involved in Libya and now they are completely wrong in Syria.
Putin has very solid ground to stand on and will turn the tide in no time.
@Uncle Buck Find it ironic that all these Republicans are so anti-gay and then post up pictures of Putin without his shirt and are like "Look at how strong he is." You can just almost read the subtext, "Look at his creamy white skin... his hairless chest *heavy sigh* His blue eyes, he's so beautiful. If only I could hold him."
EWW that is like so smart. I am so thoroughly impressed with your craftiness..... uh ok....
Putin is a dangerous man. Apparently he has been dropping bombs on our proxy fighters who are supposed to be fighting Assad's troops.

Obama is still on the can, never having shit which leaves America and our allies in deep doo doo.
Putin is a dangerous man. Apparently he has been dropping bombs on our proxy fighters who are supposed to be fighting Assad's troops.

Obama is still on the can, never having shit which leaves America and our allies in deep doo doo.

It ain't ignorance that causes so much trouble; it's uncle benis knowing so much that ain't so.
Putin is a dangerous man. Apparently he has been dropping bombs on our proxy fighters who are supposed to be fighting Assad's troops.

Obama is still on the can, never having shit which leaves America and our allies in deep doo doo.
The 5 proxy fighters we have?
Our government was completely in the wrong getting involved in Libya and now they are completely wrong in Syria.
Putin has very solid ground to stand on and will turn the tide in no time.
And Iraq both times both bushes put us there...
And Iraq both times both bushes put us there...
The reason I didn't include Iraq is because we were some ignorant fucks at that time. 90% of the country was all for invading Iraq, we were lied to by everyone in the government Reps and Dems included.

I learned my lesson after Iraq, and from that point forward I want NOTHING TO DO with any bullshit wars in any bullshit countries. Seems like most of the country did not learn their lesson and are still believing the government when they say attacking some piece of shit 3rd world country is in our best interest.
The reason I didn't include Iraq is because we were some ignorant fucks at that time. 90% of the country was all for invading Iraq, we were lied to by everyone in the government Reps and Dems included.

I learned my lesson after Iraq, and from that point forward I want NOTHING TO DO with any bullshit wars in any bullshit countries. Seems like most of the country did not learn their lesson and are still believing the government when they say attacking some piece of shit 3rd world country is in our best interest.
A leader doesn't do what 90% of people want. They do what's right and lead. And those 90% were not ignorant, they were lied to.
A leader doesn't do what 90% of people want. They do what's right and lead. And those 90% were not ignorant, they were lied to.
In most cases a leader will do what 90% of the people want or exactly who would they be left leading?

Why do you think the government has finally caved in to such things as legalization of MJ and gay marriage? Because an overwhelming majority of voters have forced them to.
In most cases a leader will do what 90% of the people want or exactly who would they be left leading?

Why do you think the government has finally caved in to such things as legalization of MJ and gay marriage? Because an overwhelming majority of voters have forced them to.
I didn't say a majority of people cant want something that is right. I said a leader leads by doing what is right, not what the majority want.
In most cases a leader will do what 90% of the people want or exactly who would they be left leading?

Why do you think the government has finally caved in to such things as legalization of MJ and gay marriage? Because an overwhelming majority of voters have forced them to.

MJ, yes. Gays, no.

More like lefties like the ACLU.
The reason I didn't include Iraq is because we were some ignorant fucks at that time.

you still are, racist.

T90% of the country was all for invading Iraq,

wrong again, racist.


T we were lied to by everyone in the government Reps and Dems included.

nope, just republicans.

TI learned my lesson after Iraq, and from that point forward I want NOTHING TO DO with any bullshit wars in any bullshit countries. Seems like most of the country did not learn their lesson

wrong again.

On December, 11-14, An ABC News/Washington Post Poll of 1,003 adults nationwide, found 64% felt the Iraq War was not worth fighting, with 34% saying it was worth fighting, with 2% undecided. The margin of error was 3%.[19]

good job on being so consistently wrong.