Put me out of my misery!


Well-Known Member
Hi there. This is my 1st grow, 1 plant from clone, "guaranteed female". I've had it on 12/12 for almost a week. The plant got damaged from a fallen CFL lamp when it was at a height of about 6 internodes, the damage left it with only 1 internode, but with a bit of TLC "she" came back good. My problem is i think it's a stinkin male, possible hermi. I've read that much shit on growing, all contradicting itself and now I'm confused. Look at the photos, can anyone tell me what it is, or is it still to early to tell. There are no pistils visible anywhere on the plant. Thanx people, LYB.



Well-Known Member
Hi there. This is my 1st grow, 1 plant from clone, "guaranteed female". I've had it on 12/12 for almost a week. The plant got damaged from a fallen CFL lamp when it was at a height of about 6 internodes, the damage left it with only 1 internode, but with a bit of TLC "she" came back good. My problem is i think it's a stinkin male, possible hermi. I've read that much shit on growing, all contradicting itself and now I'm confused. Look at the photos, can anyone tell me what it is, or is it still to early to tell. There are no pistils visible anywhere on the plant. Thanx people, LYB.
Looks like balls to me. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
at the absolute best its a hermie, but i think its male cuz look at all the balls there, with a hermie female you woulda seen pistils forming at least.
Yes i do some balls forming.If you only have that one plant then let it finish flowering.At least that way you can have some bud.But start some new ones...


Well-Known Member
Yes i do some balls forming.If you only have that one plant then let it finish flowering.At least that way you can have some bud.But start some new ones...
so you are saying its a hermie then? cuz im sure you know males dont produce bud at all. right? if its his only plant he can keep it to make butter or hash when its done flowering but no bud will form at all.
He said he got a clone from a guarenteed female so I would think its just hermie..But if its male then he wont get no bud ur right..


Well-Known Member
most female clones already have visible preflowers before any cuttings are taken, are you sure someone didn't rip you off with a male clone? just a guess =/


Well-Known Member
i was thinking hermie for sure but then i thought of this.....if its a hermie and it already has those well developed balls it should of showed pistils first right? how can a hermie not have pistils showing? ,to have a female hermie and make male flowers its gotta be in flowering first, which should expose the pistils at the start of flowering or preflowering even.
(this is a response to wyteberrywidows post, i forgot to hit quote and hit quick reply on mistake.)


Well-Known Member
As the other 50 people have said, its bad news. Im no expert but looks like there are enough balls there for me to go golfing.


You got enough balls for the homerun derby. All is not lost though and it is merely a setback man. I had grown 2 big ass males and was dissapointed. Today my new plants are females. Never give up. What I do suggest is to seperate that plant immediately from your female.


Well-Known Member
Thanx for the help everyone, I was pretty sure it was male, just needed telling. Im sure its not hermi tho, there are no female signs anywhere. With the damage it suffered from the fallen lamp, could the stress of that turned it male, I took 3 clones from it before the 1st preflowers showed, they have all rooted well, but will they now also turn out to be male. Is there any point letting this male go any further, I understand it has THC in it, but would it be worth a smoke.


New Member
Thanx for the help everyone, I was pretty sure it was male, just needed telling. Im sure its not hermi tho, there are no female signs anywhere. With the damage it suffered from the fallen lamp, could the stress of that turned it male, I took 3 clones from it before the 1st preflowers showed, they have all rooted well, but will they now also turn out to be male. Is there any point letting this male go any further, I understand it has THC in it, but would it be worth a smoke.
no you dont want to be smoking males as there is nothing to smoke.
no females = no trichomes.
(sorry for your misfortune).



Mr I Can Do That For Half
Its male. Now if you got it from a dispensery take it back as they will want to know and most will swap it. If you got it froma buddy tell him to do some reading as he doesnt know a male from a female obviously. Its 100% male which means the clones you took are all male also as they are geneitcally the same plant. Stress can cause a hermi but not a full on male. Dont wast time growing it unless you want pollen to make seeds when you do get a female plant as the thc in a male plant is very low. wont be buds but a tea can be made with a very light effect.


Well-Known Member
Hi there. This is my 1st grow, 1 plant from clone, "guaranteed female". I've had it on 12/12 for almost a week. The plant got damaged from a fallen CFL lamp when it was at a height of about 6 internodes, the damage left it with only 1 internode, but with a bit of TLC "she" came back good. My problem is i think it's a stinkin male, possible hermi. I've read that much shit on growing, all contradicting itself and now I'm confused. Look at the photos, can anyone tell me what it is, or is it still to early to tell. There are no pistils visible anywhere on the plant. Thanx people, LYB.

male bro kill it


Well-Known Member
Looks like its getting the chop tonight then. I wouldn't say i got it off a buddy, more a friend of a friend, either way I've been had. No worries tho, its gave me the bug for growing, I've got 2 little seedlings nearly ready for putting in the main grow area, hopefully I'll have more luck with them. Thanx again.

Samatha Green

Active Member
Hi there. This is my 1st grow, 1 plant from clone, "guaranteed female". I've had it on 12/12 for almost a week. The plant got damaged from a fallen CFL lamp when it was at a height of about 6 internodes, the damage left it with only 1 internode, but with a bit of TLC "she" came back good. My problem is i think it's a stinkin male, possible hermi. I've read that much shit on growing, all contradicting itself and now I'm confused. Look at the photos, can anyone tell me what it is, or is it still to early to tell. There are no pistils visible anywhere on the plant. Thanx people, LYB.