Put a Few in the ground today


Active Member
Well today I put about 6 plants in the ground today around my property. Its the first hot/sunny day we had in a while.. It was fucking 30/40 F here for the last few days.. Raining cold damp.

I planted 6 plants of various strains I've been growing from seed, all around my property and still they will be lots more to come ;)

Heres a picture of 3 plants 2 Mothers and 1 Clone, In the picture is Critical+ on the left and two BLue Widows on the right.


The 3 Bottom pictures are close-ups of the 3 plants above^



Then In my garden I have a Cole Train and Power Kush clones.



Then heres my NothernLight + Big Bud in a big 12gal bucket I believe this fuckers right outside my bedroom porch.


Heres a pic of two more clones I have in pots.I imagine they wont be in there for too long as they will quickly outgrow thoes small pots and probably will find a nice spot for them around the house here. ;)
Left blue pot - "Critcial+ " right white pot " BLue Widow"

Heres picture of an Unknown strain Clone .. who came from a bagseed Mother.I dont know what it is or what to call it I know its a female.. thats why I labled "F?" lol.

These are clones that have been in red cups since May 1st and can tell they are coming along nicely alot of them have nice big white roots and can be Transplanted any day now. or I might sell a few to a friend.

ANd here is a picture of some More recent clones They were cloned on the 3rd of May, and by The 11th they were in the Blue beer cups. Another good week and a half and these clones will be looking just like the ones in the red cups :)

Well thats pretty much it. for now this is the start of my 2013 Outdoor garden and will have lot more plants to come. As of being early this year I imagine these plants come October will be fucking 7ft monsters becauise last year I never planted till June and still have Monster buds. So I can't wait :D

I will be keeping updates on my grow too threw out the whole process with Pics,Videos ect.. This is just the first. and little taste of whats to come;)

I have been growing for 5 years now and every year I get better at growing and I learn more. and I get more every year.

So thats all I have for now. just my start.



Active Member
Lol Thanks guys I'll be keeping updates on these every 2 weeks or so.. I'm really going all out this year. Im fucking siked