Put a bible over your penis, says Pope Benedict.


Well-Known Member
laughing my ass off that is exactly what i meant way more concise and to the point i just think that in this new age of media its so easy to insult and judge the smallest and really the most insignificant things easily and i really dont have a problem with that because insulting people is a really fun thing to do .and im really good at it plus steamboating! anyway make funof what the pope said for a really insignificant misinterpretation but dont insult him personally he's the pope and regargless off how great you think you are i can only imagine that his intentions are for well being of humanity are greater than yours in the end regardless of religious belief.

anyway sorry for the CAPS makes things easier to see for the kids on the short bus :)

fdd thanx for the rant of insanity just needed to vent a little and didn't mean to personally attack anyone just wanted to stir the mix a little and as for me being secretly right wing i use my right hand ..............does that count