Pussy <3 <--






Alright that's to much pussy for one post. :) I'm sorry.
reviving dead pussy thread.

i must have missed the part of sex ed where we learned about a woman's urethra. i always figured it came from the same place until my wife clued me in about it a few years ago.

now judge me.
Dead (drunk) pussy.

Deadly pussy!

There's a whaaat? in my pussy!

Nasty pussy.

Very, very wet pussy. I thought this was supposed to be good? cn

Gross, big clits are about as attractive as giant labia. I browse porn quite a bit and the ones with the bigger clits tend to be more on the masculine side. But hey, to each his own
haha yeah i guess.....but thats not entirely true...i dated a lil 105lb stripper with a big clit and pee curtains....was nothin masculine about her

lol im not thinking of the HUGE body builder chick clits here...not the ones that look like a wee dick lol, jus a more plusher than usual
Yaaargh, I didn't see this! Padwan, that's like saying guys with small dicks are more feminine! I myself do not have the giant labia/clitoris thing going on, but I know women are terrified you're gonna hate their pussy, or that it's abnormal. So, go ahead and have a preference, just don't mention to her why you don't want a second date!

Gross, big clits are about as attractive as giant labia. I browse porn quite a bit and the ones with the bigger clits tend to be more on the masculine side. But hey, to each his own

Gross, big clits are about as attractive as giant labia. I browse porn quite a bit and the ones with the bigger clits tend to be more on the masculine side. But hey, to each his own

i thought i was the only one with this observation.....

a while back, i ran into one of the first women i *ehem* "expanded sexual boundaries" with.... and s/he informed me that s/he was now a pre-op transsexual.

i remember walking away thinking, "well, she DID have a rather penile clitoris....."