Pussy <3 <--

yeah like i'm going to go through all that fucking trouble.

exfoliating and opening pores and conditioner... just for my cock n balls? fuck all that lmao

What if ur lady friend offered all the services, well let u shave if ur scared, u don't want ur balls cupped and smothered in warm slippery conditioner?

Question 4 u men :
Do balls float ?
What if ur lady friend offered all the services, well let u shave if ur scared, u don't want ur balls cupped and smothered in warm slippery conditioner?

Question 4 u men :
Do balls float ?

yes they do and you can use them as a flotation device in case of emergency
What if ur lady friend offered all the services, well let u shave if ur scared, u don't want ur balls cupped and smothered in warm slippery conditioner?

Question 4 u men :
Do balls float ?

Do Your balls hang low, can you swing 'em to and fro?
Can you tie 'em in a knot, can you tie 'em in a bow?
Can you swing'em o'er your shoulder like a European soldier?
When you do a double shuffle do your balls hang low

mine don't
Do balls float? April, what a genius question! I wonder how man guys have squatted the bathtub to see if they'd kind of bob around like a beach buoy...

Do they feel sore or heavy if you run, like when a woman doesn't wear a sports bra? I'm not sure how many pain receptors you've got thereabouts or how heavy they seem attached to YOU.

Of course a man should at least moisturize down there. No one wants a face full of prickles, both genders, so it's only fair.
I do it just because... I hate doing it but it seems its what guys like, and i dont ever want to put anyone off by not doing it... when you see girls in the locker room who have pubic hair escaping their panties, grosses me out... but fuck, its such a pain to shave and like i always get little irritated bumps until it grows long enough to shave again!
I have shaved some past gf's its kinda a sweet experience, knowing that they trust you to get that close with a razor.. and then getting to design what you want.. ahh fond memories, I would say do what feels comfortable Urca, fuck the rest ehh
What if ur lady friend offered all the services, well let u shave if ur scared, u don't want ur balls cupped and smothered in warm slippery conditioner?

My girl dose all my man-scapping. That way it's how she wants it :)
I have shaved some past gf's its kinda a sweet experience, knowing that they trust you to get that close with a razor.. and then getting to design what you want.. ahh fond memories, I would say do what feels comfortable Urca, fuck the rest ehh

haha i want to try getting a wax... but im scared!! Dont want a bunch of ladies talking shit in vietnamese about my red pubic hair or my weight!
I do it just because... I hate doing it but it seems its what guys like, and i dont ever want to put anyone off by not doing it... when you see girls in the locker room who have pubic hair escaping their panties, grosses me out... but fuck, its such a pain to shave and like i always get little irritated bumps until it grows long enough to shave again!

I always used to just trim because I'm a little OCD and like to be tidy. Also, I don't like anything escaping from panties/swimsuits. I spend alot of time prancing around in a leotard too, so it made sense. The first time I modelled nude for a friend I had to to mow the front lawn so to speak. I was pleasantly surprised by how it looked so I decided to keep it up. I went through phases of just trimming, v type things and landing strip type thingies. Being my OCD self I got a little absorbed keeping everything clean and tidy, and in an odd way it made me want to love myself a little more. This is my garden and I shall tend to it. It is part of me, as a lady... And all that crap. It looks better following the plane of my stomach too, I'm sort of proud of keeping it flat.

I only recently dared to go down there with the epilator after my mother introduced me to it (sat on me and did the backs of my legs with STUNG LIKE A BITCH) But it's an odd pain- the type that makes you giggle hysterically all the way through it. Hey Urca, you can always try tweezers between shaves? Or those panty fugitives trying to escape out the sides of your undies. There's always one when you think you've gotten it all X3

Guys who shave their balls... Thankyou. You will rewarded by having them in someone's mouth far more often.
Lol kuroi, what did you mean i am wrong? i dont wanna take over... i personally thought this would be like "Pussy: What do you want to know?" Like for the dumbass guys who have no idea what goes on down there except it better be shaved, better smell good, and that it has periods.

I gotta disagree with you Urca. Most men most know more about dick and pussy then you could ever think of!
Most women don't know why they get irregular periods, why they start randomly lactating, why their vagina smells off, why their urethra feels sore(They'll think its an std from a toilet seat or something). I mean I've heard women ask some questions that make me wonder if they have the same interest in knowledge as men.

I love a shaved pussy!
Especially when everything above the lips is left to grow(just so when your laying down you can look down and admire her nice clean dirty bush). But the hair growing on and directly around the lips has gotta go. Also the hair sticking out of the pantys and the anus HAS to be waxed!

I can't stress this enough, because at the end of the day you have sex your partner is gonna be imagining your vagina, asshole, boobs, stomach, basically your whole body!
Especially if its your first time having sex with them, best way to get a 10/10 is to shave every peice of hair thats makes your vagina look unclean.

Keep in mind that most men probably treat their lady how they see them the first time their naked(get that 10/10 and even go the extra mile trying to get a 15/10).

I gotta say shaving the balls is the hardest part of my body to shave, I can imagine how sensetive the vagina is! Jezz, good luck! Ill stuck to trimming my hairs with the 1/8" clippers ;). I'd say that my balls look better with 1/8" of hair then regular skin.
not going to lie i shave my balls:-P
I think more guys do than admit it. I don't see a problem with it. I don't go all the way to the skin though, that'd feel strange.

Do balls float? April, what a genius question! I wonder how man guys have squatted the bathtub to see if they'd kind of bob around like a beach buoy...

Do they feel sore or heavy if you run, like when a woman doesn't wear a sports bra? I'm not sure how many pain receptors you've got thereabouts or how heavy they seem attached to YOU.

Of course a man should at least moisturize down there. No one wants a face full of prickles, both genders, so it's only fair.
Haha squat down and see if they float? Have you ever just played with your boobs in the tub?
if a guy treats a girl off of how she looks when she is naked, im fucked. even if i had the prettiest vagina in the world, id still be fucked
Or maybe getting fucked??? ;)

haha thats the hardest part for me, taking off my clothes... so far he's pnly managed to convince me to lose the shirt and bra... im afraid he's not gonna be into it when the rest comes off.. oh well, back to pussy talk, no thread jacking here
I always used to just trim because I'm a little OCD and like to be tidy. Also, I don't like anything escaping from panties/swimsuits. I spend alot of time prancing around in a leotard too, so it made sense. The first time I modelled nude for a friend I had to to mow the front lawn so to speak. I was pleasantly surprised by how it looked so I decided to keep it up. I went through phases of just trimming, v type things and landing strip type thingies. Being my OCD self I got a little absorbed keeping everything clean and tidy, and in an odd way it made me want to love myself a little more. This is my garden and I shall tend to it. It is part of me, as a lady... And all that crap. It looks better following the plane of my stomach too, I'm sort of proud of keeping it flat.

I only recently dared to go down there with the epilator after my mother introduced me to it (sat on me and did the backs of my legs with STUNG LIKE A BITCH) But it's an odd pain- the type that makes you giggle hysterically all the way through it. Hey Urca, you can always try tweezers between shaves? Or those panty fugitives trying to escape out the sides of your undies. There's always one when you think you've gotten it all X3

Guys who shave their balls... Thankyou. You will rewarded by having them in someone's mouth far more often.
What was your favorite design? Would you be wierded out by a guy that had some sort of design?

actually, i wanted to see if they floated in the pool. I went skinny dipping. Yes, they float
Interesting, must be really awkward if you have big boobs.
Interesting, must be really awkward if you have big boobs.

mine are big, and its not akward... they just look like super perky in the water lol. like fake barbie/plastic surgery perky... then you get out of the water and gravity works again
if a guy treats a girl off of how she looks when she is naked, im fucked. even if i had the prettiest vagina in the world, id still be fucked
But the good thing imo about not being the hottest person in the world is that it is way harder to dumb someone like you.
When someone is really really pretty, for some reason its just soo much easier to just say to yourself "Dude I could get better then this," so then you dump the sexy bitch and try to find an other one. But if shes not too sexy, your self esteem sort goes down and you forget that you could get someone better.

Also for some reason, its soo much easier to stop thinking about the hot bitch. For some reason its like forgetting a porno compared to a not so hot women who is more like a friend(way better imo).