Pusher Trilogy - who has seen it?


Well-Known Member
Damn... I came across a sweet pair of movies on "Free Movies on Demand" via Time Warner under the Sundance Channel.

Pusher, and Pusher 2... waiting for Pusher 3 to hit next month.

All three films take place in Copenhagen.

Pusher follows low-level drug dealer "Frank" who tries to pull off a big deal with unpayed for heroin, from russian gangster "Milo," and then gets busted by the cops in the process. His struggle to come up with the money is gut-wrentching to watch.

Pusher 2 follows the story of "Tonny," who you are introduced to in the first film. He is fresh out of prison for his involvement with Frank in the drug deal in Pusher 1. Let's just say Tonny is a bit of a fuckup.

Pusher 3, I haven't seen yet follows the story of Milo... and I haven't seen it yet.

Anyway, folks, I just wanted to share these films with you as I know how hard it is to come across good cinema these days.