purpling of stems/leaf petioles from light stress!

Not sure what you were saying..that's one long sentence! I'm not here looking for help, i come to this section only to help others, and no, when i clicked on the thread, i didnt see the date of OP until i saw your post. I was simply telling you not to put much thought into the fact that light stress is causing purple stems/petioles. I said Labs Dexter said it best in the last post. Also was reminding you, that if you do have too much light for a plant, it will not be fixed by adding cal-mag..too much light, is too much light, nutrients don't balance out light stress. Added CO2 however, can help higher light, within limits.
Not sure what you were saying..that's one long sentence! I'm not here looking for help, i come to this section only to help others, and no, when i clicked on the thread, i didnt see the date of OP until i saw your post. I was simply telling you not to put much thought into the fact that light stress is causing purple stems/petioles. I said Labs Dexter said it best in the last post. Also was reminding you, that if you do have too much light for a plant, it will not be fixed by adding cal-mag..too much light, is too much light, nutrients don't balance out light stress. Added CO2 however, can help higher light, within limits.
Thank you again I was only using the calmag as a example and asking for advice maybe this wasn't your post maybe it was I have alot going on and really appreciate the advice sorry I don't have time to correct my self more on punctuation I'm just trying to get some help in my limited single father te frame and thank you. I'm a first time user of LED not of growing was looking something up and saw this I appreciate the help I'm not trying to be anything more then greatful sorry if it's coming off wrong I get it alot my bad
No worries! If you want proper help though..it's best to start a new thread with pics and detailed info. OP of this post never posted pics either, and wasn't looking for help, seems was just trying to state that he discovered his too strong of a light caused purple stems, which isn't accurate, people shouldn't read into that was my point:)
No worries! If you want proper help though..it's best to start a new thread with pics and detailed info. OP of this post never posted pics either, and wasn't looking for help, seems was just trying to state that he discovered his too strong of a light caused purple stems, which isn't accurate, people shouldn't read into that was my point:)
I see this morning that stems are changing back to fleshy green color in 25 hours so I'm sure your right but it is because of uv lighting in the light. Can I ask what LED lights you have used were the cob?
Good news at least :-)
Lol where's all the cookies. Oh yeah I know nothing beats the time it takes its not growing pains for nothing just thought I'd ask it never hurts and take a lot of consideration and have respect for growers that have that time in and help out I know I will and this group is great. Thank you everyone for your input and advice have a great day all
Lol where's all the cookies. Oh yeah I know nothing beats the time it takes its not growing pains for nothing just thought I'd ask it never hurts and take a lot of consideration and have respect for growers that have that time in and help out I know I will and this group is great. Thank you everyone for your input and advice have a great day all
I ate all the mother F'in cookies bro :P hehe... even experienced growers get issues... it does happen from time to time... my baby showed something weird one morning then afternoon checked it and the issue had disappeared :-)
I ate all the mother F'in cookies bro :P hehe... even experienced growers get issues... it does happen from time to time... my baby showed something weird one morning then afternoon checked it and the issue had disappeared :-)
I remember my first run in growing was 5 years back I've learned to be patient going through them bags of cookies burning away plant's when I was so impatient. But these Leds is a new game since I'd been around atleast something affordable now I got to remember to be patient and learn these Leds.
I remember my first run in growing was 5 years back I've learned to be patient going through them bags of cookies burning away plant's when I was so impatient. But these Leds is a new game since I'd been around atleast something affordable now I got to remember to be patient and learn these Leds.
Same situation for me, I used CFLs and HPS for my grows back in my other location, switched to LED two years ago, had some failures and successes, even now still finding new ways to do things to get optimal height etc... if we didn't learn it wouldn't be fun :-)
Same situation for me, I used CFLs and HPS for my grows back in my other location, switched to LED two years ago, had some failures and successes, even now still finding new ways to do things to get optimal height etc... if we didn't learn it wouldn't be fun :-)
Man this was the advice or at least what I thought people would talk like when I posted my response then had to jump back was like bro I'm just wondering you make me feel like you saying something on me just cuz I asked a question just to give a example and tries Hammering me for it crazy. But thanks my man I know I can't be the only other person in the world that is or has had this going on so why not ask and meet atleast one cool person. That's what it should be about
Man this was the advice or at least what I thought people would talk like when I posted my response then had to jump back was like bro I'm just wondering you make me feel like you saying something on me just cuz I asked a question just to give a example and tries Hammering me for it crazy. But thanks my man I know I can't be the only other person in the world that is or has had this going on so why not ask and meet atleast one cool person. That's what it should be about
Very tempted to start my own community for this stuff.
Very tempted to start my own community for this stuff.
I wish a homie would there''s some Oscer the Grouch''s on this site that's why I don't even ask questions I'm starting up a LED grow page for the same fact do to one I'm on that gets mad if you start a thread about hacking your Chinese made lights or even just talking about anything other then American-made lights or the lights they want to sell they delete it people are crazy. It's like what tell me your not driving a Honda or some import it's the same thing. Let me know if you start one I'd become a member and spread the word
Well again look at your response again people are looking for help it's not about you why make it about you maybe your not the person to help me so why even jump in you never offered anything but jumped into act dumb over someone's I.E and the fact I didn't use punctuation who cares help or not but come on man this a community page stop jumping in just to be a smart ass no one likes that bro
Been a Dick this is the first time I've asked for anything on here so yeah who's the lie in Dick now well have a good day yeah I asked in a way of saying has anyone been able to find a way to help the plant with the light issue I knew what my problem could be wondering if anyone had a way of fixing that's it. I've said thanks and I've been nothing but great full and then still this you had already stop responding you had to have seen someone else felt or saw the same thing I did. Denial is a sad rocky boat to be on thank god I'm not on yours there is good people in the community that could care less about half the shit you crying about why you the only one complaining? Hmmmmm I can take good advice in any form other then from a Dick so at that if that's a shoe that fits wear it have a good day
Been a Dick this is the first time I've asked for anything on here so yeah who's the lie in Dick now well have a good day yeah I asked in a way of saying has anyone been able to find a way to help the plant with the light issue I knew what my problem could be wondering if anyone had a way of fixing that's it. I've said thanks and I've been nothing but great full and then still this you had already stop responding you had to have seen someone else felt or saw the same thing I did. Denial is a sad rocky boat to be on thank god I'm not on yours there is good people in the community that could care less about half the shit you crying about why you the only one complaining? Hmmmmm I can take good advice in any form other then from a Dick so at that if that's a shoe that fits wear it have a good day
Well the only other thing that I can think of is that maybe the plants have a genetic pre disposition to turning purple under intense light and grow weak? However , you do realize this is highly unorthodox for cannabis as it is a sun loving annual and very much not normal if thats the case. You may want to consider not growing that particular strain again unless of course you don't mind the extra effort to grow it. What strain are we talking about here and were they bagseed or from a reputable seed producer. Im going to make a whole lot of people irritated by saying this but it is what it is. I think these seed breeders regardless how popular or expensive cannot fully control nature or genetics. I know that there is a definite science behind it but I feel that there are as many happy accidents as well. Sometimes the finished product of breeding can produce some very (not so normal attributes)its not light intensity, its not heat,and its not humidity but most likely shitty over bred genetics. Sorry everyone in advance but I just don't think these seed breeders have got a dialed in standard. If they are telling you that you can find up to 3 kinds of pheno types per packet of seeds and can produce a variety of colors then what they are saying is we think we got it right but if we didn't its most likely the growers fault not theirs.
No dude stop arguing goofy. It's light stress from to much light. I been growing same strain years never had it until I bought leds and gave it more light. I did it to fast and same shit happened to me. I raised the lights and it went away.