Purple Wreck & Exodus Kush


Well-Known Member
I have (1) purple wreck from Reserva Privada and (1) Exodus Kush from DNA genetics. I am using all organic soil purchased locally. I am also using nutes from the same local source, both liquid and dry. All the nutes are organic. Liquid Nute is Super Sauce, the dry nute is called Super Bloom. They are in 7 gallon super air pots. I vegged them under a 500 watt Blackstar for approximately 6 weeks, I believe I can't really remember lol didn't plan on doing a journal with these ladies but decided I would. Currently they are in my flower room which has a BML Spyder 600. I am on day 2 of flowering, I will post pictures tomorrow.

NUTES: I mix in a little of the Super Bloom with my soil, then add it as a top dressing at the beginning of flowering. I use the Super Sauce about once every 3 or 4 waterings.

If anyone is curious I will give out the website, its all super cheap and 100% organic and its not a grow shop, you can have it all shipped. I do not work for them, just a little local organic shop that I would like to stay in business and not fall to the waste side and have a lowes or home depot or calloways built. I try to support local shops but to each their own.

The Super Sauce is "I've tried the rest and made the best. Compost tea of donkey, goat, rabbit, chicken and cow manure, molasses, apple cider vinegar, liquid fish, seaweed,Humic acid, potassium bicarbonate,D.E., orange and neem oil, and vitamins and hormones."

Super Bloom is "Ingredients: Blood Meal, Bat Guano, Cottonseed Meal, K-mag, Corn Gluten
Meal, Fish Meal, Feather Meal, Humate, Diatomaceous Earth, Micro-nutrients, Kelp, Urea, Dried Molasses, Alfalfa Meal, Corn Meal,Ground Oats, Rice Bran, Soybean Meal, Sunflower Meal, Granite, Lava SandBasalt, Soft Rock Phosphate, Greensand and Montmorillonite."


Well-Known Member
I really want to try the organic banana water to use during flowering, I hear it gives your plant a hell of a potassium boost

Recipe I found I believe on this website, this is not my recipe, as I would tweek it slightly and maybe add a little more molasses but thats just me.

4 banana peels dropped into 4 cups of boiling water ( you can also add 2 table spoons of molasses), allow to boil for 5 minutes, then allow it to cool, then jar it up without the bananas. Use 1 part banana juice to 2 or 3 parts water I believe


Well-Known Member
Here are the pictures, the tall lanky one is the purple wreck (prob train wreck pheno) and the short stalky one is the exodus cheese. I will take better pictures with the light off next time I feed the ladies.



Well-Known Member
I'm posting more pictures tonight, sorry had a hell of a month, finishing graduate classes and then my house caught on fire a week ago, one of the 110V cables coming from the electrical pole to my house became disconnected due to high winds, which then in turn made the wires touch and then start a small fire on the side of my house, needless to say I had half power coming to the house, so ALL my girls were put into the dark for 48 hours until those douche bags from the electric company came out and fixed it. So now I have 7 girls in my flower tent, 5 from my veg room because I didn't want to fuck with the reveg and loose them. I only have (4) 7 gallon smart pots (2 of them are being used on the purple wreck and exodus cheese currently) because thats all I have room for in my veg room but I made an exception in this case. So I chose my best 2 ladies from the veg room, Paradise Delahaze & Paradise Belladonna, and transplanted those hoes. So currently in my flower room I have

7 gallon pots
Purple Wreck
Exodus Cheese

1 Gallon Pots
Burmese Kush from Sensi
2 bag seeds that I believe came from girl scout cookie bud that I had about 3 months ago. They have not showed their sex yet, but I believe (1) is a male and the other could be a female.

Purple Wreck has been kicking ass, They have about a month left to got but she started budding up after the first week of flowering, def the train wreck pheno.




Well-Known Member
I really want to try the organic banana water to use during flowering, I hear it gives your plant a hell of a potassium boost

Recipe I found I believe on this website, this is not my recipe, as I would tweek it slightly and maybe add a little more molasses but thats just me.

4 banana peels dropped into 4 cups of boiling water ( you can also add 2 table spoons of molasses), allow to boil for 5 minutes, then allow it to cool, then jar it up without the bananas. Use 1 part banana juice to 2 or 3 parts water I believe


FYI Nick said to keep lights close to the plants

BML runs them at ~ half power. Just watch for signs of bleaching, then back off a few inches


Well-Known Member

FYI Nick said to keep lights close to the plants

BML runs them at ~ half power. Just watch for signs of bleaching, then back off a few inches
Thanks for the advice Pet, I appreciate your knowledge brother


Well-Known Member
nice colas u got there
Thank You,

just a question for anyone, do you know why my leaves are yellowing out? I thought it could be a nitrogen def, so about 2 weeks ago I added 2" of Ron's Super Castings, its made up primarily of different types of bark and 4 diff species of worms, its sorta vegan organic if anyone likes to grow that style. Tonight I used the super sauce on both the exodus and purple wreck, which has nitrogen in it. Both the exodus and purple wreck have the same soil and perlite mixture. Could the light be too intense? I have the bars spaced out at 3" apart, about 14" above all the colas and 12" above the tallest cola on the purple wreck. Could it be genetics? Are some plants predisposition to yellow out quickly? Or could it have to do with the fact that it budded up very quickly? Maybe it needed nutrients and pulled from the leaves? Anyone's 2 cents would be appreciated?


Well-Known Member
Just for the BML looky-looks, do you have a before pic and how how long have these been under the BML only?

Im getting beaten up because of the lack of evidence to support my constant mentioning

As to yellow leafs...

I only grow via hydro, never have yellow leafs until late in flush


Well-Known Member
Just for the BML looky-looks, do you have a before pic and how how long have these been under the BML only?

Im getting beaten up because of the lack of evidence to support my constant mentioning

As to yellow leafs...

I only grow via hydro, never have yellow leafs until late in flush
No I do not have before pictures, BUT I use a blackstar500 for veg, so its not like I'm using badass lights for both veg and flower. The only before and after pics I have concerning the BML, I have them on the Strawberry Cough and Skywalker thread, thats the only one. BUT I have just placed 2 new plants in my veg room, so I can start the evidence but it will just take about 8 weeks


Well-Known Member
Nick says my SPYDR should ship this week

so soon we will have a second grow using it to flower

Got a lot of RIU a'holes, who should know better, kicking m ass over lack of evidence


Well-Known Member
Nick says my SPYDR should ship this week

so soon we will have a second grow using it to flower

Got a lot of RIU a'holes, who should know better, kicking m ass over lack of evidence
Thats awesome, yeah I got a lot of people talking shit to me about the BML too, seems like Area51 is the only LED acceptable on this site, cause if you choose any other light everyone talks shit, but my girls are putting on massive amount of weight so I'll let them keep talking shit while I reload my bong


Active Member
Your purple wreck looks killer. Did you end up doing that banana water stuff? I'm doing an LED/organic grow with super soil and I'm thinking about adding some sort of organic bloom nutrient but I have never experimented with teas or anything. I just want my buds to be as sweet as possible knaw mean!


Well-Known Member
Thats awesome, yeah I got a lot of people talking shit to me about the BML too, seems like Area51 is the only LED acceptable on this site, cause if you choose any other light everyone talks shit, but my girls are putting on massive amount of weight so I'll let them keep talking shit while I reload my bong

I am able to throw their shit back into their faces, but they keep trying

Since you didn't grow a donkey dick plant, they aren't willing to give you props

I do not see BML as better, but worthy.

It's unique features- passive cooling, select your own spectrums, homogenous coverage over a 3 3 foot print, ability to slide bars together during veg, close proximity to plants... are of great interest to many

AND, should my spectrum choices work out as I anticipate, ONE fixture for veg and flower


Well-Known Member
Your purple wreck looks killer. Did you end up doing that banana water stuff? I'm doing an LED/organic grow with super soil and I'm thinking about adding some sort of organic bloom nutrient but I have never experimented with teas or anything. I just want my buds to be as sweet as possible knaw mean!

All I use is http://www.organicdynamics.com/rons_blends_index.htm

Do not talk to them about MJ, they are just a little organic shop. His products can be shipped nationwide. I believe his nutes in combination with my BML light is what gives me the big colas, again just my opinion. I have used FF nutes and soil and I was not able to get big colas, I went all organic and never looked back, but again I use soil and this is just my opinion. I don't work for either company, I just like to share what works for me


Well-Known Member
I am able to throw their shit back into their faces, but they keep trying

Since you didn't grow a donkey dick plant, they aren't willing to give you props

I do not see BML as better, but worthy.

It's unique features- passive cooling, select your own spectrums, homogenous coverage over a 3 3 foot print, ability to slide bars together during veg, close proximity to plants... are of great interest to many

AND, should my spectrum choices work out as I anticipate, ONE fixture for veg and flower

lol yeah I don't have donkey dick plants because I choose what height to flower at and I choose the way the plants look through LST. I was pulling 3 1/2 oz per plant off of 28-30" plants LOL I don't need a 5' monster to get good bud, all you get with a 5' plant is more water more nutes more money. All about weight and my girls are getting fat