purple weed


Well-Known Member
so im growing a purple haze and ive read that it takes cold to turn weed purple.....is this true or will automatically turn purple since its purple haze??? and if it does take cold will dehumdifying the air drop the temp low enough to do so??? (i live in houston, tx so humidity here plays a big part in our temp...)
like the guy above me said if it is a purple phenotype then it will turn purp automatically as part of its maturation. 2 of the purp strains i run regular ( purple diesel and pink panther)start off producing pink and marron calyxs then mature from there to a deep purple. so yes if it is a true purple haze and true purple pheno then it will turn regardless of temps.:joint:


Active Member
i seen tons of purp strains. i hate how newbs go nuts when they get some herb with a purple leaf or something on it. like nigs round here grow mid grade and let it get cold so it turns the leafs and stems purple then try and sell it as some purple kush or something. retards. i like what TOAST said. if its meant to be purple it will be in the genetics dont go out ur way to turn your herb purple it dont get you any higher it just makes it look like eye candy.