Purple Weed


Well-Known Member
so i know cold temps cause weed too turn purple but could i put in a small ac unit to make it go puple.. also is there a way to make my weed bluish in coulor


Well-Known Member
Even purple strains dont always turn purple and i think youll have a hard time, if its even possible, to turn regular strains purple. You can def turn the stems purple if they get cold but that might just be it. Id say its not worth the hassle.
If you want purple bud get purple strains and hope for best.


Active Member
Thats right, your plant would have to have purp genes & it still may not even turn purple. In order to turn purple the temps need to be in low 50's so going from 78+ down to low 50's will shockem. when you shock'em they could hermie on you and you take away from yeild cause the plant stop putting energy into pack'n on weight. IT can be done no doubt, but is it worth the investment of $$ and time just to turn the "leaves" purple & definatly no increase in potency with no guarentee it'll even turn purple. just my 2 cent.


Well-Known Member
What those guys said is right but if you DO lower the temps
during the last few days or something if its gonna purple it
will. But just because it purple doesnt mean its good :-?


Active Member
Kushking, to answer you though the temps need to be in the real low 50's but if your gonna do it i'd suggest you do it like the night or 2 before harvest. I don't know bout turn'n it blue tho.


Well-Known Member
frost will make it turn purple... but not a massive amount of purple. There is no way to make your weed turn colors. i wish everyone would get this. idk how many times ive seena thread talkin bout makin your weed purple or something. Grow your shit and smoke it. if you want purple or blueberry weed...buy it and grow it fella. No use in trying to make it turn. pointless.