purple trichs


I have an unknown sativa among my crop. It's buds are purple as can be. Yesterday whan i was checking trichs on my plants I found this particular plants trichomes are purple. I thought I was seeing things so I took a lower bud to get a better look in a more comfortable spot, and i'll be if they are not purple. The fluid in the trichs are all purple has any one have any idea what this plant might be? How will I know when it is finished. any help


Well-Known Member
I've started seeing purple/red trichomes on some of my girls too (grown from bagseed, so I have absolutely NO idea what kind they are. finishing the 8th week of 12/12). I've been watching to see if they go from purple to amber, but so far none have. I'd post some pics, but I don't have a digital camera except the one in my cellphone, and it sucks bad!!!


Well-Known Member
I have some bagseed going now....just harvested 2 with 2 more continuing. One has purple flowers and the small foliage among the buds are too. I though it was a temp prob but the other 3 were normal.... this purple plant is beautiful!
I took some pics but the color doesn't show under hps lighting......


Active Member
This is the internet mayne, pics or it didnt happen!
And not pics lifted from another site (notice the watermark on the one above)