Purple train-wreck intro.


New Member
hello amazing community, i am here to discuss a matter i have at hand. I am growing purple trainwreck. currently in my seed stock i have purple trainwreck, dellahaze, burmese kush, wappa, underdawg og, belladona strains. i ordered from attitude seed bank.

currently the system i plan to run my single purple trainwreck is in a stealthbox built inside of a chest. the chest itself contains a bathroom exhaust running a carbon filter, a 2.5g tote turned into a dwc unit. one 55w cfl 3800 lumens, one 42w cfl 2700 lumens however the 42w is unplugged and the outlet subtracted durring the first week or two of growth, there is a pc fan installed and also a humidity dome ( a herb preserver made by ball sold at walmart, i chose this due to only wishing to perform one plant or so inside the case and ease and size is a issue.) rockwool is the medium im starting out with and im using general hydroponics gro micro and bloom. ive already started and my seedling is already popping his head out of the rockwool cube in 3 days. i followed this tutorial http://forum.grasscity.com/absolute-beginners/669666-rockwool-germination-just-plant-seed.html

i plan to also add a scrog (screen of green) into the case itself but will wait until the plant reaches the appropriate size due to the light rig i have built. i insulated/lined the interior of the box with ductape and shielded the tote from light expose to the roots by covering it in duct tape as well. the air exhaust is being supported by chained zip ties if you are wondering and all ports withing sealed off to have a more directed airflow. this is not my first attempt however it might aswell be all others to start from seedling where failures due to outdoor grows ending in my babys being eatin by ants. and not attempting again. so my record is against me however i am not completely un-knowledgeable. i know plenty enough just not some of the finer points gained with experience.

this plant is currently within the first stage of its life, and im afraid as a parent and as the only person who currently wants to care for this young child. i do not know how much or when to start giving her nutrients. i plan on transplanting when she reaches 1.5 inches tall and has her leaves out however is that too late? should i transplant as soon as the leaves come out and just run the dwc to the height of the rockwool?

and as a side note i will inform that the reason i am going with a single plant system is because this is to be a mother plant to clone from. i plant to move her into a 5g bucket dwc around january. yes i do intend to do a 2 month veg unless she grows far to fast in that case i will change my plan to a earlier date.

all scrutiny critique and words accepted no need to filter if im doing something bad tell me however you would like :) i appreciate all words.:leaf:


also there is already a hook and i already have the extra lamphead for the second i just dont want to cook the lil guy and the humidity dome hovers where it would be. and i am planning on buying a good led panel and run hid and led side by side later on. but that's coming January.



New Member
im thinking about misting my dome with light nutrients, any thoughts? im trying to decide how much to give them as a light misting for their initial stages, has anyone used gen hydroponics before?


New Member
first set of baby leaves :) any knowledge on nutes when to trans and if misting nutes is a no no at this stage?

also i noticed and anticipated my baby is leaning toward the light,so I'm going to be rotating what side he views the light from.also when he is transplanted i will either introduce the other bulb or correct it in some other manner.



New Member
i just typed this all out and have to re type it due to a image loading problem -_-

however, i find myself in a situation i am worried that the baby may die before the root shoots out of the bottom of the rockwool cube. does anyone have any advise on when and how to treat this baby during a transplant? i might be impatient and or excessively worrying a bit but i fear that there is not enough nutritional value in the rockwool to sustain plant growth past its initial burst.... so any words of comfort would be nice.... and the problem im facing currently THE BIG PROBLEM.

i do not and am extremely unsure as to how much nutrients i should give my baby during its seedling faze, i have never gone hydro before, i have read endlessly about it however i have to figure out how much nutes from my gen hydroponics nutrients (gro and micro) i should give these guys when i do transplant them to my 2.5g dwc. in other-words

does anyone have a feed chart or idea for gen hydroponics nute to gallons for babys? there is a labeled nutes to gallons on the nutes themselves however im unsure if i should follow that guideline for cannabis plants.

any and all help would be incredibly appreciated :(



New Member
well i am a firm believer in if you want something do it yourself, but for the sake of anyone else trying to find out some information ill post it here.
according to this thread one shouldn't give nutrients till 3 or 4 leaflets have emerged, however, i do not know if it is important what size they are, because technically i have 4 leafs they are just tiny.

for the love of earth would someone please help me a little here -_-

mind you the thread itself was not useful really. seeing as it did not inform anything about nute fluctuation for cannabis vs normal vegetation.