Purple stripes...


I have a Sour Cream about 7 weeks into flower and besides a lot of yellowing I am getting some purple striped patches on leaves. I am using MG organic(big mistake) fox farm tiger bloom for nutes ph between 6 and 7. Using a 400 hps. Don't have pics cause I didn't take any before they went to sleep but can post tomorrow for some help. I had a bagseed plant do the same thing and I couldn't figure it out on my own so I turn to the community. Thanx


Well-Known Member
This is either temps dropping or a sign that the plants are getting ready for the end and pulling the mag out of the leafs to build the biggest vagina possible to be pollinated. So it's a good sign. Just my two cents

Brick Top

New Member
Oh forgot to add that my lowest temp with the lights off are 63 and with the light on it stays from 75 to 80.
It not a temperature problem. If temperatures drop to or below 50 degrees F. it inhibits the intake of Phosphorous and that will cause purple or a dull blue and sometimes a reddish discoloration. 63 degrees would not cause that to happen.

It is likely a slight Phosphorous deficiency.

What you said doesn't sound at all to me to be a Magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is one of the easiest deficiencies to tell. Normally there will be green veins along with the yellowness of the entire surrounding leave, which is a dead giveaway. Sometimes that’s not always the case though. In some cases you don't see the green veins and instead sometimes leaf tips and edges may discolor and curl upward. The growing tips will turn lime green when the deficiency progresses to the top of the plant. The edges will feel like dry and crispy and usually affects the lower leaves in younger plants, then will affect the middle to upper half when it gets older, but It can also happen on older leaves as well. The deficiency will start at the tip then will take over the entire outer left and right sides of the leaves. The inner part will be yellow and or brownish in color, followed by leaves falling without withering. The tips can also twist and turn as well as curving upwards as if you curl your tongues.

If that is not what you are seeing .... then it's not a Magnesium deficiency.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input...But magnesium or phosphorous deficiency will purple the stems that's what I'm assuming from him saying strips on leafs like the stems. And he said the older leafs are yellowing well I assume its the big fan leafs. And a 20 degree drop in temps will purple stems. Because it's shock it stops using all kinds of minerals because it's trying to hold off till the heat rises again. Haven't you seem purple corn? I mean no disrespect brick top. I've used some of the brilliant things you've said in other posts and respect you a lot. But without pics it's a little early to tell anything about this. Just my two cents

Brick Top

New Member
Thanks for the input...But magnesium or phosphorous deficiency will purple the stems that's what I'm assuming from him saying strips on leafs like the stems. And he said the older leafs are yellowing well I assume its the big fan leafs. And a 20 degree drop in temps will purple stems. Because it's shock it stops using all kinds of minerals because it's trying to hold off till the heat rises again. Haven't you seem purple corn? I mean no disrespect brick top. I've used some of the brilliant things you've said in other posts and respect you a lot. But without pics it's a little early to tell anything about this. Just my two cents

What he said was; " purple striped patches on leaves," not; "strips on leafs like the stems," as you stated it.

A drop from 75-80 degrees when the lights are on to 63 would not be enough to shock the plant and temps have to drop to or below 50 degrees F. before plants will begin to have problems taking in enough Phosphorus and begin to turn purple or a dull blue or now and then a reddish color.

You also said; "
a 20 degree drop in temps will purple stems." Well from a high of 80 to a low of 63 is 17 degrees and from the lower high temp of 75 down to 63 would be 12 degrees, neither being the 20 degree drop in temperature you said it would take to
cause; "purple stems."

In a previous message you said; "
This is either temps dropping or a sign that the plants are getting ready for the end and pulling the mag out of the leafs to build the biggest vagina possible to be pollinated," and ended your last message saying; "But without pics it's a little early to tell anything about this." If so maybe you were a bit hasty in your earlier message when you said; "This is either..."

Phosphorus (P) deficiency:
(P) deficiency during flowering. Fan leaves are dark green or red/purple, and may turn yellow. Leaves may curl under, go brown and die. Small-formed buds are another main symptom. Phosphorus deficiencies exhibit slow growing, weak and stunted plants with dark green or purple pigmentation in older leaves and stems.

Purpling: accumulation of anthocyanin pigments; causes an overall dark green color with a purple, red, or blue tint, and is the common sign of phosphate deficiency.

Magnesium (Mg)
Magnesium is a component of the chlorophyll molecule and serves as a cofactor in most enzymes.
Magnesium (Mg) deficiency:
Magnesium deficiency will exhibit a yellowing (which may turn brown) and interveinal chlorosis beginning in the older leaves. The older leaves will be the first to develop interveinal chlorosis. Starting at leaf margin or tip and progressing inward between the veins.

Based on what he said and what happens when plants are
Phosphorous deficient my money is still on it being a Phosphorous deficiency. It is possible that he has more than just that going on, but an actual deficiency of Phosphorous is likely to be at least part of it.


Thanx for the help, I must have a nutrient lock out since I have been giving it Fox Farm Tiger bloom which has the phos in it and seems like it has gotten worse. Another question, would it be safe to try and foliar feed this far into flower? or any other suggestions. Again thanks for the quick response and the help.


Active Member
I have a Sour Cream about 7 weeks into flower and besides a lot of yellowing I am getting some purple striped patches on leaves. I am using MG organic(big mistake) fox farm tiger bloom for nutes ph between 6 and 7. Using a 400 hps. Don't have pics cause I didn't take any before they went to sleep but can post tomorrow for some help. I had a bagseed plant do the same thing and I couldn't figure it out on my own so I turn to the community. Thanx
I repotted one of my plants with MG organic and have had nothing but problems with her ever since!! I will NEVER use it again. My girl is like bright bright green.


I had that exact same problem with mine and it also came infested with bugs right away for me. Seems like I been fighting the soil ever since.


Well-Known Member
yeah I was a little hasty. If he added cal mag it's not going to hurt anyhow and don't you think it was a little hasty posting a message without pictures. And the cal mag I have has phosphates in it anyway as most do. And 17 degrees with a strain that has genes to turn it purple will do it. The same logic can be applied to the usable range of heat which on most strains is 60 to 80. Would be fine if his plant strain wasn't a mostly sativa. And to say that 17 degrees is nothing or 12 degrees for that matter. Is like saying 80 is 97 or 70 is 82. I think any temp shift in that short of a time is shocking to a plant. May not kill it but it's not optimum. And yes he was vague so he got a vague answer. And brick top you know more about this than I do. You've been doing it longer. So you are right. I was an ass posting something as I did ridiculous.

Brick Top

New Member
yeah I was a little hasty. If he added cal mag it's not going to hurt anyhow and don't you think it was a little hasty posting a message without pictures. And the cal mag I have has phosphates in it anyway as most do. And 17 degrees with a strain that has genes to turn it purple will do it. The same logic can be applied to the usable range of heat which on most strains is 60 to 80. Would be fine if his plant strain wasn't a mostly sativa. And to say that 17 degrees is nothing or 12 degrees for that matter. Is like saying 80 is 97 or 70 is 82. I think any temp shift in that short of a time is shocking to a plant. May not kill it but it's not optimum. And yes he was vague so he got a vague answer. And brick top you know more about this than I do. You've been doing it longer. So you are right. I was an ass posting something as I did ridiculous.
Pictures would have been handy. With them I might have said something different myself, but with what little there was to go on I went with the most likely ... but you weren't an ass .. you were just eager to help.

I have never grown the strain so I was unable to speak from experience but I was partially basing my belief on grow reports I have read, like below.

Plant-Profile about Sour Cream

This Plant-Profile is a individual expression by mrgoodtimes, uploaded at the 21.12.2010.
Information about the growth of the plants:

Flowering Time Indoor: Between 65 an 75 days (Average: 70 days.)
Stretch after the initiation of flowering: ~ 407 Percent
Initiation of flowering onto around 30 cm. - Final Height onto around 152 cm.
Growth Behavior: Stretch; Strong; Sturdy

The plants of this Cannabis-Strain...

...need place and should not be placed close together.
...are not very tolerant to over- or under-fertilization.
...are vulnerable to fungal diseases.
...are susceptible to mold.
...are tolerant of temperature fluctuations.
...do not like high temperatures.
...looks and grow more like a Sativa.
...need a lot of room upward.
...are a good choice for beginners.
...are a good choice for commercial cultivation.
...are well suited to Supercropping.
...should not be heavily pruned.
...build many, thick buds on the side branches.
Harvest, Yield, Taste, Aroma, strength and effectiveness

Yield / Quantity: The crop of this strain is great.
Buds / Leaves: The ratio of buds to leaves is super.
Bud Structure: The dried buds are hard and compact.
Strength / Lasting Effect: The weed affects middle-high to high.
Tolerance Built: ordinary tolerance education.

The above may not be the most accurate grow report ever written and it might be spot on ... but with what was originally said and what is said, where underlined, in the grow report things seemed to add up too me.


Well-Known Member
Alot of plant's get this purpleing to the stems,and it normaly means that the plant is not getting enougth nutes a little late now at week 7 are you on 1800 ppm's.....................................tyke.................................................................................................................


Well-Known Member
My guess would be its just a genetic characteristic. I am growing a Sour Creme freebie and also at about 7 weeks flowering.Temps 75-78 on and 63-65 off. I am certain medium ph is fine, not lockout. And pretty happy about its diet, no deficiencies. Maybe something from the Sour Diesels past...here is a few pics of what I am seeing...
