Purple stems and leaves. Causes and fixes?


Well-Known Member
you dont necessarily need a blue lab pen, but you should learn how to measure ppms. It helps to dial everything in and it will make your feeding levels more precise/consistent.
Agreed. Doesn't need to be bluelab, just make sure it's decent. I got bluelab just so I never have to worry, but there is other good choices.


Well-Known Member
I water them 1 quart with cal mag every other day and mix in bottled nurtirents every other watering. Here’s some better pictures of leaves. I’ll give them a good feeding next time. Just using fox farms trio and have been warned by everyone to not use full amount and I have had slight nutrient burn earlier in veg a couple times when feeding close to full amount. What do you think of these leaves. They are all kinda crazy and I pull off alot that are just about to fall off on their own
Why are you giving calmag every other day? Are you using RO water? Looks like you're in soil which is going to have calcium and that trio of nutes you're using has adequate amounts of calcium. Too much calcium can cause issues with other nutrients. It's not really needed when growing in soil and using nutrients that contain it already. Especially not every other day.


Well-Known Member
Why are you giving calmag every other day? Are you using RO water? Looks like you're in soil which is going to have calcium and that trio of nutes you're using has adequate amounts of calcium. Too much calcium can cause issues with other nutrients. It's not really needed when growing in soil and using nutrients that contain it already. Especially not every other day.
Seeing more and more of this. Cal/Mag overdose.


Well-Known Member
Your feeding / care is showing completely in those plants - they are hungry and undersized.

Calmag is an overused product in the industry - when the elements are already in your municipal water


Well-Known Member
As far as a ppm target for nutes it can be from 800-1500 depending on the strain and how much she's been fed. It looks like there's probably something else going on like others have mentioned though. Probably some kind of lockout from too much calcium or a ph imbalance. I'd try feeding them bloom nutes mixed at full strength, see what ppm that tests at once you mix it up and ph it down to about 6.5 so it's available to them. Having a decent ph pen is critical though if you're going to grow, doesn't need to be Blue Lab but not a 15 dollar Amazon special. You gotta calibrate them and store them right too or else they get out of whack when you least need them to. My GH 3 part bloom nutes at full strength come out to about 900 ppm including the 115 ppms from my well water just for a reference. I haven't done any Fox Farms stuff in 7 years so I don't remember anything about them other than I switched to Advanced Nutrients after one grow.


Well-Known Member
I use both dry amendments and the gh trio when I have little plants like clones or small plants in 1 gallon pots that dry amendments don't seem to do well with. I then transplant into big pots of soil amended with organics and they don't seem to skip a beat. I like the 3 part GH nutrients but I've been thinking about trying a two part system just to make my life even simpler.