Purple Ryder Grow Journal "1st Grow"


Well-Known Member
ok i don't have any new pics, but i have good news. i tried germing 4 purple ryder seeds in a wet paper towel in a snuf can for a day and nothing. so I used a burpee seed sprouting green house i bought at hope depot and put the seeds just under the surface of the coco... today i got home and see that all 4 seeds have germed and are going to be my first grow! I am really excited!


Well-Known Member
congrats man! I just hope that in a few weeks i have at least 1 female and 1 male out of the 4 seeds i germed! I can't wait to place my next order and get a little variety growing!

ordered my "phat" filter and my inline fan today. should be here in a week or 2. till then I have a fan blowint on the plants and the doors cracked a little for ventilation and keeing the temps from getting out of control. going to take my germed seeds out of the starters and move them to the pots now. i have heard bad things about transplanting, so I don't want them to get rooted in the little starter pots.


Well-Known Member
thanks, it is a work still in progress and i didn't spend too much time on it. no wood joints or anything like that... just put it together with a bunch of drywall screws. i will paint it when its all done so it blends in to the room a little easier.


Active Member
i would have liked to have gone with a 400w HPS but with the confined space i thought it might be hard to keep the temps down
That was definitely a good choice cuz I used MH in my underground room last winter, and it was so hot that it melted the snow around the room...If ur watchin ur temps, then hps would be a mistake


Well-Known Member
well all 4 of my purple ryders have broken the surface and are looking good except for 1 that looks like it got a little nute burned wheni watered them with a very diluted solution of water and miricle grow seed and transplant starter... i think it is going to be ok though and i will post pics tomorrow.


Looking forward to your journal. I would recommend not to use any sort of nutes until 2-3 weeks in because the plants have enough energy to grow until that point.


I concur with closetgrowr... looking epic man. Small, clean and once you get the ventilation in place I'm gonna love watching it pan out. P.S. don't know if you've tried great white before but it is unreal hope the auto is as good as the regular! good luck, subbed!


Well-Known Member
thanks! i have my inline fan and the carbon filter being shipped as I type. should have shipped a day or 2 ago. for now i just have a small fan blowing on them 24/7... and the cabinet doors are cracked slightly... just enough to let some cool fresh air in. sorry i am a little late with the pics... get updated pics in a second. it is hard to get good pics right now because i have the light so low and close to them and they are so short....


Well-Known Member
0707001844a.jpg0707001845a.jpg0707001844b.jpg0707001844.jpg0707001845.jpgjust for the heck of it... here are a couple pics of the plants i am growing outside... i started them inside and put them outside 2 seeks ago, i think they are doing quite well... the purple ryder autos along with these bag seeds are my 1st grow... so i guess its a combination indoor/ outdoor 1st grow... i started out with 12 plants outdoors but thanks to the deer eating my seedlings, i have only had 5 plants outdoors for about the last week and a half now.


Well-Known Member

ok well here are my 4 purple ryders @ 10 days... that is 10 days from the time they broke the surface of the soil. I think one of then go a little bute burned but has come back quite nicely. 2 of them seem to be doing really well and the little one just doesn't seem to want to get any bigger. I got my 4" inline fan and my Phat filter... this is going to change my plans a little as i now see they are way too big to fit in my grow cabinet. i will have to mount them outside the cabinet and just run some ducting. and lastly are the coir pellets i have my remaining purple ryder seeds germing in. i peaked and i think after 1 or 2 days all but maybe 1 or 2 of the remaining 7 seeds have split open... i am going to be planting them outside when they are big enough. they will finish around early to mid september... I am hoping to have some seeds for next year! i want to make sure i pollinate 1 of my ladies... maybe 2 of them.


Well-Known Member
sorry i have not been to visit my 5 little outdoor plants for a few days. the last time i was there it seems as though a deer stepped on one of them and almost completely broke the stem in half, i don't expect to see it make a recovery whe i go back to visit. the deer are really taking their toll on my outdoor grow and next year i will have to do something to prevent this... i have gone from 12 plants down to 4... in about 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
ok i am off to the hydro store to get a couple things... almost 2 weeks into grow, I am so excited