Purple $$$ Question


Active Member
So I'm in an area of CC where there's a shortage. A friend wants to just go half on some purple to hold us over until the drought is over. What does purple normally cost? Does it get weighed out the same? I don't want to get ripped off but I can't be without


Well-Known Member
i don't see how it would be weighed differently. what weighs more, 100 pounds of feathers or 100 pounds of bricks?


Active Member
That's the word alleged, there's no drought well at least where I'm at only people trying to make more money.

14grams flat without the bag idk where CC is but, is this real purple? Not the high mids almost dank shit?


Active Member
I'm in MD. Everyone I've asked has said there's a drought in the city. I may just be asking all the wrong people. Oh well I'm gonna get it and I'll report back later.