purple power???


Active Member
hey hey hey!i got a nice seeds of Purple power!i want to start grow them!i want to know eny info about growing a Purple power!BIG thanx!!!=)))):weed: :confused:


Well-Known Member
Well you get purple buds of course, very distinct unique taste and smell. Its anscestors are Dutch skunk and Thai Haze. The purple comes out in cooler climates and the high aint bad either its a real energetic high. These plants can take real moist cold climates to. Peace


Active Member
i have grown one last year and one this year last years crop was bad due to neglect but this year should be alot better will harvest in three weeks it is 6ft and am growing too big bud which have turned purple due cold i think but pp is not a very havy stone so if your looking for a laid out buzz forget it