purple mystery strain


Well-Known Member
Anyone know what strain this might be? It's very resinous and is a light green bud with purple hues. The petioles start turning purple after the first couple weeks. This bud has a musky almost rough punjent aroma. It's a great med strain for nerve pain and insomnia. Thanks



Well-Known Member
pics would help. keep in mind that if the plants are in an environment where its too cold for them at night their leaves will start to go purple

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Well-Known Member
At first glance it looked like the Purple Indica I used to grow. With so many different strains out there these days like Purple Haze, Blueberry, Black Pearl, purple power and so on it is really hard to detirmin what it is. What ever it is, it sure looks yummy! Nice looking plant!


So after looking at that high times thing I see that Hindu Kush might be purple? I just got some HK seeds and am going to start them soon. If I let the night time temp get low then the HK might end up with purple then? Anybody have any experence with this?


Active Member
GRGA: I cant tell you what strain that is but i can tell you that you have a pest problem, it doesnt look to be too bad at the moment but you should catch it while you can for your plants sake


Active Member
sorry no one will see this! i wish i could have a plant as sexy as that. I tried to grow some, but it never panned out. good luck and i hope your plant is hydro shit that knocks you on your assbongsmilie


Active Member
your plant looks like big bud thats been out in the cold as i have big bud outside and its purple like that but only a guess


Well-Known Member
will only sertan strains go purple in the cold... mines in 50 degree nights and green as a dragon