Purple Lemon Haze


Well-Known Member
I just harvested one of these and about to harvest the other one tomorrow. I can't find any info on it. I got the clones from a guy on craigslist. It yielded some nice crystalized purple buds in 65 days. Any ever grow or smoke this strain? It's great for indoor. Very short and bushy with dense flowers.

PLH1 (7).jpgPLH1 (4).jpgPLH1 (1).jpgPLH1 (5).jpgPLH1 (2).jpgPLH1 (8).jpgPLH1 (6).jpgPLH1 (3).jpgPLH1.jpg


New Member
I came upon this thread searching in google.

I have third generation SLH (selfed twice, so S3 as they say, i'm not a breeder in the typical sense, I selfed to pheno hunt for myself, meaning I would never self seeds and claim them as stable or even worth growing but it's something I personally do) that produced a purple pheno. It yields low and grows more like a sativa in branching but produces an out of this world terp profile it's like lemon candy but with a slight sour skunk and pine, very loud. It's a lot deeper in aroma than I can really justify in descriptive words. Hope it helps. I will add, the bud structure isn't as indica as the OP.

I still have a lot of hunting to do, but out of three pheno's thus far, they're all very good in terms of quality. Personally enjoy the s3's more than the s2s but I didn't mess much with the latter. Although, again, I don't suggest selfing to breed or stabilize. It's just something I do.


New Member
On second look it appears to be closer to the bud structure, I feel mine is more sativa though. I can PM pics, I know it's years later.