purple leaves on my train wreck

valley grower

Active Member
hey need some help came out to my garden for the first time today and realized alot of my leaves have turned purple im almost 9 weeks into flowering outdoors is this normal any suggestions would be great!


Well-Known Member
Did the temperatures drop at night significantly? If not, could be a phosphorous deficiency (I think - Can a vet confirm this?)


Well-Known Member
That could be it. Nothing to worry about as long as temps level out and aren't all over the place.

valley grower

Active Member
sweet, yeah its a steady 80 to 85 during the day 50s at night i should be lookin at 2 weeks or so till they r done hopefully


Well-Known Member
Can you post a pic or two? I picked up a purple wreck not to long ago and I would love to see your so far into flower.

The purple leaves are probably due to temp. drop as noted prior.


Well-Known Member
You could try to up the amount of phosphorous in your feedings, but if you're going to harvest in two weeks that is usually the window where most growers flush their plants. So it's up to you. Personally, I'd say its more likely to be a case of temperatures dropping at night and causing your plants to tint purple.


something to be mentioned here is the temperature of the water you use to water the plants with. I noticed my inside plants all tuen a bit purple in their stems and leaves and the outside plants (same genetics clones) never turn purple.Only difference is the temp of the water.

inside plants get bathtub water which is colder than my off the roof rainwater.

valley grower

Active Member
sweet thanx guys for your input im flushing right now so i cant use no more nutes. so i guess ill just do the 420 dance and hope they turn out good

valley grower

Active Member
ok so woke up this morning to see more purple leaves poppin up im still kinda stressin. i decided to ask my dad his opinion see what the old timer thought. his opinion was my plants were root bound, which i dont believe considering mine r in the ground. so at this point i will let them be and hope its just the cold weather. my trics were a little more amber so thats exciting! ROOTBOUND wtf lmao

valley grower

Active Member
thanx supermoto did some more research on trainwreck and i guess the leaves turn purple when its close to harvest so im thinking about a week and i will start pulling
The plant is totally healthy! When temperature drops around 50-60 degrees F, cannabis leaves will naturally turn purple... it's something about the chlorophyll. The purple surely adds to the appearance too!

valley grower

Active Member
your right freak lol i did alot of research on trainwreck and found that come harvest time the leaves do turn purple. im so excited that plant with all the purp will be the first to harvest my other 2 dont look like that yet i think about a week and half behind im going to post some updated pics of the whole crop later!