purple kush auto breeding


Active Member

So i used coloidiol silver on a different pk and a week or so later this one starts throwing true hermie traits i believe, nanners next to calyx. I think those are nanners or i guess they could be seed pods. Im waiting to collect this pollen and store it order some more pk and inoculate it.any advice?


Well-Known Member
Details please ..you make your own CS..?
how long till nanners showed?
Have you taken CS yourself did you notice any increase in your groin area?


Active Member
Haha yeah i guess i did get a bit on me but no ill effects ;) well the one that got the cs is in a seperate system but in the same footprint. I saw it go into shock almost immediately but recovered within 24 hours. Unfortunately i dont think my dose was high enough because its still all woman. This treatment was done about two weeks ago. This untreated plant which is pictured is in a res with a few others. They all had a low ph for about three days. On about the third i noticed these and recalibrated my pen. Its been about 11 days and im planning on chopping it and bagging it right when the pollens ready. Out off all these girls theres only three bunches of nanners on the main stem. Currentl about week five or six from seed.


Active Member
As im new to having anything but females are these definately nanners or could it be a seed pod formi g?


Well-Known Member
Throw out the pollen from the plant that naturally "hermied" and only keep the pollen from the pollen sacs you forced with cs... You don't want natural "hermie" genes.


Active Member
Yeah im not so sure its natural and three clusters on one plant out of the bunch tells me it probably isnt though. Like i said the ph was at 4 for a few days and these nanners followed. Anyone else have a opinion?


Well-Known Member
I assume this is the real clone only PK. It has a tendency to put out sacs late in flower. Mine put a few out at day 58.
I would only use the pollen off the plant treated with CS.