Purple Kush, 1st CFL Cabinet Grow Lotsa pics


Well-Known Member
Your cab is 3 x 3.3 x 1.5 in feet.

Cubic feet that is 14.85 Cubic Feet. So to exchange the air once per minute, you would need a fan that moves 15cfm.

You want to exchange the air at 3-5 times per minute. So let's figure 5, so 5 x 15cfm is a fan that moves 75cfm. So that should give you an idea of what a 250cfm fan would do for your grow space.

All the above is theoretical assuming no restrictions of any kind of course.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I see I've made an error. The size I quoted was for ONE of your chambers. But you get the idea of what you would need to exchange the air for both of your chambers.


Active Member
Your cab is 3 x 3.3 x 1.5 in feet.

Cubic feet that is 14.85 Cubic Feet. So to exchange the air once per minute, you would need a fan that moves 15cfm.

You want to exchange the air at 3-5 times per minute. So let's figure 5, so 5 x 15cfm is a fan that moves 75cfm. So that should give you an idea of what a 250cfm fan would do for your grow space.

All the above is theoretical assuming no restrictions of any kind of course.
That is what I though, I guess the only way to find out is to get my lazy ass to do the retro-fit and see what happens. As there are inquiring minds at my house every other week, this is going to have to wait until the week of January 17th. I am truly hoping it works because that will be EXACTLY the time I want to move these little gals into Flower.
Thanks for the input Pelt and be sure to stay tuned for the progress photo's. I did notice today that things have begun to stretch since I moved the lights up the other day so Tonight or tomorrow when I water, I am going to start LST. I will be sure to add some pics of my attempt for you all to critique :)


Well-Known Member
LOL...wanna brother there isnt a damn thing I would change about your cabinet man! Nicely done and it seems that you have done some homework because it definitely shows. Another Mad Scientist is born..lol. Im gunna take a seat and watch this one. if you grow as well as you prepare, then you wont have any worries. Looks nice.



Active Member
LOL...wanna brother there isnt a damn thing I would change about your cabinet man! Nicely done and it seems that you have done some homework because it definitely shows. Another Mad Scientist is born..lol. Im gunna take a seat and watch this one. if you grow as well as you prepare, then you wont have any worries. Looks nice.

Thanks Arch. I will feel a little more at ease once I have the Exhaust fixed up and am not battling temps. Thanks for coming along for the ride. Should have some pics and an update today after I water and Start LST.


Active Member
Well I just gave these little ones their first sample of LST. They got some water this morning (first in almost 4 days). No Nutes this time, just Ph'd water and about 1/2 liter per plant. I thought I would try LST for the first time while things were damp and the plants were pliable. Have a look at what I did and PLEASE let me know if it looks OK. I have read lots and watched a lot of video on LST but doing it for the first time is a little un-nerving :) Kinda like giving your kids a bad hair cut ! They looked so pristine before and not all bent over and shit !
ANy and all comments/criticism is appreciated. Thanks



Active Member
Hey man, really good progress so far. well done. Those plants look healthy as Harry the Healthy hedgehog! Maybe you can consider running one of them around the rim of the pot? Like just keep training it to circle the pot?
In your free time maybe you could read "Riddleme's" I make It Rain , highly recomment it.
Here's a link: https://www.rollitup.org/groups/i-make-rain.html



Active Member
Hey man, really good progress so far. well done. Those plants look healthy as Harry the Healthy hedgehog! Maybe you can consider running one of them around the rim of the pot? Like just keep training it to circle the pot?
In your free time maybe you could read "Riddleme's" I make It Rain , highly recomment it.
Here's a link: https://www.rollitup.org/groups/i-make-rain.html

Thanks Yarndi. Things still seem to be going OK. After the first session of LST, everything is heading for the sun again so I may adjust a few things tonight. One thing I did notice today is THE SMELL. I love it !!! It seemed as soon as I started playing around with them, they were giving off their sexy scent !
Hey that link to Make it Rain didn't seem to work? Thanks again Man.
I should have some more photo's up tomorrow when I can get away with spending some time with my babies without "inquiring minds" kickin around the house !


Active Member
Ok, so here is an update. These Babies are exactly one month today from when they broke through the soil. They have received 1/4 strength Nutes one week ago and 1/2 strength about an hour ago. Light is 24/0 and LST started about 4 days ago. Photo's are each individual plant and Macro shot of each plant respectively.
Comments? Questions? Criticism? I want to hear what ever you have to say.
Anyone have any suggestion as to when I may want to start flowering?
Thanks for stopping by.:leaf:



Well-Known Member
By the way i'd like to invite you to join us @ Land of the Kushmen a new group we just got underway for helping out with all kinds of Kush knowledge just click on my sig and check us out we would love to have your input on Kush..And follow your grow as well...Peace


Active Member
By the way i'd like to invite you to join us @ Land of the Kushmen a new group we just got underway for helping out with all kinds of Kush knowledge just click on my sig and check us out we would love to have your input on Kush..And follow your grow as well...Peace
Done My Brotha !


Well-Known Member
GJ wannasmokeweed! Looks good man. to answer your question about when to flower. That all depends on how much room you have. The longer she stays in vegetation, the bigger your yield if all goes well. I only had 26 inches of height to work with in my cabinet, with some of the taken up by lighting, and I vegged for 37 days. I may have been able to go a little longer but I didnt want to out grow my cabinet. Looks like LST saved me from that..next grow I will veg even longer...maybe 45+ days. Its all depends. Watch her and she will tell you whats up..lol. Biggest thing you can do is over think the process. Mother nature keps it simple and so should we..lol.


Active Member
GJ wannasmokeweed! Looks good man. to answer your question about when to flower. That all depends on how much room you have. The longer she stays in vegetation, the bigger your yield if all goes well. I only had 26 inches of height to work with in my cabinet, with some of the taken up by lighting, and I vegged for 37 days. I may have been able to go a little longer but I didnt want to out grow my cabinet. Looks like LST saved me from that..next grow I will veg even longer...maybe 45+ days. Its all depends. Watch her and she will tell you whats up..lol. Biggest thing you can do is over think the process. Mother nature keps it simple and so should we..lol.
Great advice Arch and thanks again for the input. At your suggestion, I am going to move a couple of the ties so they don't impede with the new growth. I have about 36" in total height with my lights all the way up so I am thinking another couple of weeks perhaps. That should make it 6 weeks from seedling. Did you continue LST when you started to flower or did you just "manage" what you had done up until that point?


Well-Known Member
I am only making slight adjustments to the LST I am using while flowering. I may have to reel in one of the middle buds but so far so good.