Purple Jems, One phenotype, Two growers


Well-Known Member
Here mine FD sorry u didnt get any purp but let me tell you its a bitch triming the purple ones trying to get ALL the green out of em lol. especially since my purple plant only produced popcorn buds anyways here u go guys


Great Journal...... I see that you have just harvested but I am curious on the yield / plant and quality of smoke / stone. I know that you probably haven't tried any yet but I am sure that there are others curious also. Please post some reviews when you can. BTW.....beautiful looking ladies ya'll got there.


Well-Known Member
my final dry weight was 30.4g off the two of them but they spent about the first month of their life ina party cup will let you know bout the smoke when the time comes


Active Member
wow thats just about right on for an auto flower a half a plant how long did it take start to finish

props man ill keep u updated on my plants




Well-Known Member
Figured i would give the final update. Smoke is great and a strong stone. Starts in the head and then rushes the body. Havent had a complaint yet. Very pleased with this strain and its genetics.

Just wanted to let you all know that this will most likely be my last thread here. Thanks for all the posts comments and for all of those who actually followed and posted. I appreciate you taking the time to come in and actually post rather than just view. G/l to the rest of you guys and have fun with your autos. This place needs a more dedicated place for autos other than just a group.

There are a ton of things being done with auto genetics that have not been done before.


This is a great thread FD. I refer to this to check on how my PJs are coming along. I'm at day 14 from seed and excited as hell. My first grow went to shit but my 2 new babies are lookin great. I think that they are already starting to show. Thanks for the thread.


Active Member
heres a lil update on my progress

thanks for replying guys !!!



Well-Known Member
looking good bro you can see the purp coming in.. when mined turned purp the didnt do it that way they started from the center and moved outward kinda like someone took some purple and poured it on the top and it ran down the sides kinda best way i can explain it but anyways they looking good


Active Member
looking good bro you can see the purp coming in.. when mined turned purp the didnt do it that way they started from the center and moved outward kinda like someone took some purple and poured it on the top and it ran down the sides kinda best way i can explain it but anyways they looking good
yea its got the most grape ish pine smell its like sex

my youtube page is www.youtube.com/ohiomedigrower

thanks for replying man

hope to here from you soon



Well-Known Member
mine smelled like straight GRAPEFRUIT couldnt believe it didnt smell like weed at all. cant imagine it smelling like grapes lol guess there are many diff phenos (i think is the right term) going around out there ;)


Active Member
Yin & Yan m8...
you get all the Whites..and I get all the Colours....:-P


How old are the ALF now..?


Well-Known Member
Yin & Yan m8...
you get all the Whites..and I get all the Colours....:-P


How old are the ALF now..?
Seems to be that way my friend. The alfs will be at 7 weeks on sat. there on the smaller side i was going to breed them but still no male pollen :)

got my fingers crossed for the two jems i have in there that havent showed sex yet hope i get at least one male in there


Hey fellas! How it been?

Cool thread FD!
Ive had endless white phenos with the pack of JEMs i got, but with the recent F2s i germ'd Ive got 2 vibrant purples.
Hope you get some pollen to work with :D